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Need wagon rear shock parts numbers

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I have done a search of previous shock threads and opinions differ on what rear shocks will interchange on the different 80's body styles.


My 86 2WD GL wagon was delivered in California with the Hitachi carb. I need rear shocks and I think from viewing e-bay ads that what I need is the KYB rear shock with part number 341216 or equivalent.


Can anybody confirm this shock will fit my car or offer a different part number from any shock manufacturer?




Steve in Costa Rica:banana:

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Now don't everybody answer at the same time.:rolleyes:


After much Googling to parts sites and e-bay, I have pretty much determined that 85-93 2WD EA 82 wagons use equivalent KYB 341216 on the rear and KYB 233022 and 233023 on the front.


Bought a set of four on Amazon for about $100, delivered to my U.S. address for free.


Are you supposed to put those rubber boots on these or can they ride naked?


Steve in Costa Rica :banana:

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If it were me I would use the boots if you have them just to keep dirt/rocks and road grime out and prolong the life of them


I honestly dont know a whole lot about shocks but those look like they should have a boot on them.



If they were naked id think they would get dinged up eventually and maby start leaking?

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