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Stuck ignitian key

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Just tried to Fire the 93 Loyale after trans swap and engine reseal. FWD 3at for 5mt. I also swapped out the cluster for one with gauges. No starter action. Bummer. Need someone to help hold the clutch while I check with the meter. Hope someone comes home soon. Anyhow the question is. Does this car have some kind of key capture device? It must.The ignitian key won't come out with the battery hooked up or not. This wasn't an issue till I put power back on the car. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Oh the steering wheel won't lock either, key doesn't look like it is turning to the removal posistion all the way either.

Edited by bigjimd
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Automatic transmissions usually have a column interlock, meaning the car has to be in Park in order for the key to be removed/turned all the way back. I'm not sure if Subaru's are cable or electronic, but it's most likely your issue.

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