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Oil Pump questions,

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So I am working on Garners brat still and I have run into yet another problem. I have it running nad I decided to do an oil change. I had about 20 lbs of pressure before the change and now I have none. I do not fully understand how this is possible. I was wondering if I could prime the oil pump somehow, what drives the oil pump on these motors?


Is there anyway that I can check the oil pump to be sure that I need to replace it before I tear the motor apart?


I did pull the oil filter there was not much oil in it. which makes me think the pump is not pumping. I also have bad lifter noise.

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The pump is self-priming. How long did you run it? It can take a few seconds to pull oil through the new filter. The gauges on these are no kind of accurate either and it's stated in the owners manual that it is normal for them to read 0 when idling.


You might have disturbed the wire that runs to the sending unit on the bottom of the pump. It's very near the filter. Check that too.



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General, That is a good point I will look for a loose wire, Garner added a seperate oil pressure gauge in the dash so I dont think that it is the gauge not to mention that the valve/lifter noise is not mistakable. I only ran it for a few minutes. I did take it on the street for a minute but not long enough to do damage.


Is the Pump driven by the crank? Would it be worth my time to try to pour some oil down the breathers to lubricate the top end so that I could run it for a bit longer and see if the pump would kick up?

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yea I let it run for a few minutes like always to fill the oil pump then I checked the level with no change. It was not making any noise at this point but I did not notice any change in the fluid level. I took it for a quick drive and when I noticed the ticking noise I turned around straight away. I probably only drove 100 yards or so. I have started it a few times since then after adding lucas oil.


I will check the wiring but my question still stands, what drives the oil pump is there wiring that I need to look for that turns it on or is driven by the crank?

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I figured as much but thought I would ask anyway. I will check the sending unit tomorrow. I also saw where someone was having the same problem and they took a vacuum line threaded up into the offset hole next to the oil filter threads and squirted some oil in there. This was enought to get the pump lubricated and working again. Figure its worth a shot before I spend the time changing the pump.


I have a friend in the area who runs a garage. he said he would help me one saturday so if the priming thing doesnt work I will get it going soon. :banana:

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I had a long thing written but lost it. This is what it comes down to. I checked all the parts houses in my town noone has it. I looked through the bin of old parts that Garner had none there either(I would prefer a new one anyway). I tried to take off the bolt on the back but couldnt cus of the header. I am going to start disassemble this weekend and hope that I can find a pump or freshen this one up.I will take pictures


If anyone has a known good pump I would be willing to buy it or if Anyone knows a good source I would appreciate it too.


I know others have left the timing covers off what is the downside to that if any?

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Ok I did some looking and found one online for 190 bucks. Not too bad if it in fact fixes the problem. I also added every seal that I could find that said anything about oil pump on this website. Its from a place called redline. Has anyone worked with them before? I am going to dissassemble this weekend and check everytyhing out and make sure that the parts match up and order monday if another better option does not present itself.


I am going to show the cart that I made with the seals and stuff. Are there any seals that I am missing?


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So I am working on Garners brat still and I have run into yet another problem. I have it running nad I decided to do an oil change. I had about 20 lbs of pressure before the change and now I have none. I do not fully understand how this is possible. I was wondering if I could prime the oil pump somehow, what drives the oil pump on these motors?


Is there anyway that I can check the oil pump to be sure that I need to replace it before I tear the motor apart?


I did pull the oil filter there was not much oil in it. which makes me think the pump is not pumping. I also have bad lifter noise.


This is an EA=82? You said Brat...didn't come with that or lifters.

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I found another online retailer that has the pump for 150 out the door. Its getting better. The stealership parts department is closed today but I will call on monday before I order anything offline.


Sorry for the confusion about the brat/ea82. I should have listed the specs as I know them: 79 brat (with custom fiberglass fenders made by Garner) Ea82T off an 86 GL (I think), Megasquirt ECU (awesome but kind of a pain until you get the hang of it)


Thanks for the help so far. I would be up S**t creek if it werent for these forums. Gonna go start takin this thing apart. I will take pictures as I go and then hopefully I can have a pump by sometime next week.

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So I got the pump out. It was not as hard as I thought it would be after I took off the front grill, the bumper and the radiator. Small price to pay to be able to easily see everything.


The pump looks fine. I cant see any reason for it to not work. I have not taken the feeler gauges and everything to it just yet but I plan to. I think the belt might have just been slipping off of the gear on the pump. Cant understand why this would coincide with a oil change but it seemed a bit loose and While turning the crank with everything put back together I did get it to skip. Anyway here are some pics of the pump.





I did take the bolt in the back out and checked everything it all seemed fine. All the passages seemed clean only think I couldnt take out was the little allan set screw on the bottom shown here



Not sure what it does but it would not budge.


So moving forward I plan to try to blow air through the oil passages and see if it seems like it is blocked. I know this wont tell me everything but it is better than nothing. I am going to check the tolerances on the pump and if they are within spec I will pack it with petroleum jelly and put the belt back on tighten it up and see if I can pull any oil.


Anything sound stupid as hell let me know. Thanks

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I have liftoff :banana::banana:


I put everything back together,with a ton of petroleum jelly, pumped it with a 12mm socket on my drill until I got pressure to the filter, installed the filter pumpped it some more until I got pressure to the gauge hookup, Installed the gauge and then pumped it just to lubricate the top end since it had been run dry. I could hear oil trickling back down into the pan and it was music to my ears.:)


I started it just for a second to make sure that I had gotten everything put back together in time and what not and it started up no problem (well its a bit hard to start since I have not tuned it right yet but thats besides the point) no more tick of death no more pain in my soul!


Garner used to throw me curve balls all the time whether it was in class or when we were working together. I think his favorite response when asked how to do something was "eh How do you think you should do it?" I think this was one of his little curveballs Just his way of making me get to know the car a bit better. As a side note I will be flushing the radiator since it is already off the car which is a good thing.

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Ok so last stupid question


I took this thing for a ride today after putting it all together and it is running really well in reality. I watched the oil gauge very carefully while driving. It maintained about 20 lbs most of the time but everynow and then at idle it went down to 15. when revving up I got 30lbs or so.


What should I expect to see? Would it be worth my time to pull the oil pump again and replace all the seals (I probably should have just done that to begin with)

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