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WCSS13 pics and stuff

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Post your pics folks. I didnt take a lot, this year I spent more time chatting and visiting. Great to see old faces and meet some new ones. Even tho we didnt have the mudpit, the go carts were a hit (Hope we get the mudpit back for next year AND the go carts).


Camp set up on Fri. Thats Donald next to me.



The view...




Not sure who this is...



The vendor display and announcement building.


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This is definitely my favorite location for the WCSS. Aside from the great views the grounds are just the right size for our show. AND the local restaurants (not too many, but enough) offer some great food at reasonable prices for those not wanting to live on campground cooking.


On another note, it looks like the vendors did well. They were well attended and brought product to sell. From what I saw they did sell a fair amount of product and made the trip worthwhile. The low WCSS vendor charge for a table didn't hurt either.

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It was a great location, I really liked it. A bit windy at times, but still enjoyable.


I got about 60 photos, some didnt turn out well (my camera decided it didnt like its recharge pack so I had to use my parents old one which is... different to say the least)


heres the link to my album, feel free to take any pics. 7/56 photos are of my car :lol: so just ignore them.




Great show. Awesome chatting with you about your RX Rob! That car is definitely an amazing machine.

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Yes, Ed - Stevenson is the perfect place for the show. Thank you people who worked so hard to put the show on for us.


Good to meet new people and visit with old friends.


Ken or I will try to post up a few of our pics this week.


Nice pics Turbone! P.S. I covet your Hatch - mine needs to be lifted:)



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Here are some of the 300 or so we took lol the rest can be viewed at the link.



Setting up camp



how we got the table across the field lol.



earls brat


http://s194.photobucket.com/albums/z177/subaruguru/WCSS13/ <follow to see all 334 pics.


Thanks to all the WCSS STAFF who put this on every year it was a blast!


@Rob IIRC the guy in the flag is brandin (sp) with the sweet Yellow turbo sedan then to the right looks like Noah, then tex both in pink.

Not sure but maybe mike appel (sp) in the subaru swag.



Cheers R.

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Album is here




Some pics here




I love this thing.




and 35 years later you can do this... a carbon fiber WRX. How's that for evolution? :rolleyes:




My son couldn't come, but his rabbits did. It's important.




Absolutely amazing. Like a trip back in time to the dealer lot.








The RS visits with NED the almighty.




Don't buy a car from that guy with his fingers open, he's telling GD some tall tale about how 5 Suubies couldnt pull him from a ditch tethered together :lol:

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Cool pix you guys, keep 'em coming!


I'd like to just this opportunity to thank all those involved in making this shindig happen. WCSS Staff, volunteers, vendors, sponsors.


Having the coffee shop vendor there for all 3 days was just plain excellent. I spoke to the owner and she said she'd gladly be there for the next WCSS if held there again.


Always a pleasure to meet up with and hang with everybody after a year has gone by, especially in this setting. Did I have to travel over 600 miles to get there, you bet! Will I do it again even if farther away, of course!


Monica, WCSS Staff, please PM me. (forgot your board name)

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I just wanted to say I had a blast at the show and met a lot of great people. I have to say it was money well spent for me to come out to the show and I want to thank WCSS for putting on a great show. I also, wanted to thank Rob and his family for their hospitality too! Everyone at work was asking about my trip out there and I said it was a long, strange trip its been. (but in a good way) Since I had to come home a day later I got to so some touring of Oregon and had fun doing that too.


One mistake I did make was not going out there with a list of people so I could put faces with screen names. I talked to GD about his car but never knew who he was till I got home. Stuff like that.


For those who know, the hurricane left me some crap to clean up when I got home but the damage was minimal so no worries there. My biggest issue is that my feet have blisters on from walking so much :lol:


Thanks again to everyone and I have pics too but I need to get them uploaded first. I didn't take too many...I was too busy drooling at the soobs!

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I just wanted to say I had a blast at the show and met a lot of great people. I have to say it was money well spent for me to come out to the show and I want to thank WCSS for putting on a great show. I also, wanted to thank Rob and his family for their hospitality too! Everyone at work was asking about my trip out there and I said it was a long, strange trip its been. (but in a good way) Since I had to come home a day later I got to so some touring of Oregon and had fun doing that too.


One mistake I did make was not going out there with a list of people so I could put faces with screen names. I talked to GD about his car but never knew who he was till I got home. Stuff like that.


For those who know, the hurricane left me some crap to clean up when I got home but the damage was minimal so no worries there. My biggest issue is that my feet have blisters on from walking so much :lol:


Thanks again to everyone and I have pics too but I need to get them uploaded first. I didn't take too many...I was too busy drooling at the soobs!


Glad to hear you made it home ok and didnt have to much to deal with when you got there. And you are welcome in my campsite or home anytime.

Oh, and get some better walking shoes :-p

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Had a blast it was good seein some of the good old buddys and meeting a few new ones too Twitch I hope you dont think Im too crazy........lol


here are some of my pics



























Earl you won the Drag race up the hill just before your Exit, but the noise we made was amazing!!! that was probably heard in Downtown Portland.... lol




Edited by one eye
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It was fun to meet and BS with everyone there! Glad I went, and I will be making it out again for sure. Maybe next year I won't have to drop the wife off an hour away on the day of the show so I can have some more chill time with people :lol:


I got some pics, but I need to upload them first…


Thanks to everyone who put together a great show!

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It was awesome meeting everyone and finally putting names to faces!


I don't think you're THAT weird Jeff.


NV Zeno, you're really cool!


The AZ crowd, I am impressed and you guys are awesome!

I'm sorry, I can't remember your names.

I somehow remember Froggeroo, but the rest slip my mind :-\


It was cool to get to see you again Rob :)


And Ed, Dr. RX, I was so happy to finally meet you guys!

I am so happy that we could talk, I was practically starstuck when I realized

you were who you were!


Everyone else, thank you for your hospitality and kindness!

It was so amazing to get to meet all these people I've been talking to via USMB!


I didn't take any pics as I was pretty much in shock and awe the whole time.



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98ImprezaWA... GWAL had asked about you being there :P


I know. I had planned on going but something came up and I had to go back to the east coast. I made it back to Seattle about 2am the morning of the show and didn't feel like getting up early to get in the car and sit for another bunch of hours after being on the plane! Plus jet lag sucks!


But like I said, next year!


I'm loving these pictures though!!! For now I'll just live vicariously through the rest of you guys :)

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believe me impreza girl, im bummed about missin it too.

uber frustrating. grrrrrrr.......


looks awesome. that area looks a lot like where im from.


did anyone go swimming? it would be cool to fab up some sort of


air tubes up high, and ballast down low, so we could cross short spans of calm water. even if we had to use a paddle thru the drivers open window. how cool would an amphibious 80s brat be?


better luck next year for all of us poor saps that didnt make it.

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I missed all the exciting parts, but showed up for camping and revelry. I loved everyone's cars. Next year, I'll meet everyone for real.


Big thanks to those who organized. It was awesome. We should do it at the same place next year. I think that's my favorite town ever!


For everyone who missed out on trying the local fare at Walking Man Brewery, get in your car and drive there right now! Their beer is especially delightful (I recommend the Walking Man Stout) and the atmosphere is top-notch.


cheers, y'all.

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