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EA81 High Idle

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-Idles around 1900 rpm and cant get it to go down, idle screw all the way out

-idle jets are 60 and 57

-Weber Carb

-Stalls out when I quickly accelerate (was way worse with the 60-50 jetting) -then catches up.

-If engine has been working hard or is hot it now diesels when i shut it down.

-Mixing screw is 2.25 turns out

-timing does seem to help anything, set @ 13 at 1250rpm, about 28 w/ vacuum advace at 2500rpm.


-cant find an external vacuum leak, did the WD-40 spray test.

-Vacuum reads 20 inches steady through all RPM and temperatures @ intake manifold.

-Tried 65-5_ Jetting combinations and it went way rich and had troubles doing anything.

-removed throttle linkage



Any thoughts?

-Could this be an adapter plate leak, except WD40 sprayed onto the gasket never effected the RPM's.

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I'd want to be sure that the throttle valve is closing all the way.


Are you sure you have enough slack in the throttle cable?


Can you look down the carb barrels and see the valves are shut?


Sorry for pointing out the obvious but its alway good to have fresh eyes on a problem.

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  • 4 weeks later...

problem solved... long story short the carb was built with poor quality parts and was causing things to hang up. After pulling it apart and taking a file to her she runs like a champ. After messing with the tuning I can only get my fuel economy to around 23-24mpg... probably the way i drive though.

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