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2002 Outback VDC H6 3.0 Auto wagon. Had plugs changed about a week ago. Driving car up hill yesterday, lost power,check engine light start flashing and vdc off light came on. Engine got sort of jumpy,but did not die out. Stoped at Advance and had them hook up scanner,it shows plug #6 not firing.Tried to look for plug 6 but you cant see a thing from up top unless you take every thing apart. Need to know does each plug have its own coil pack,also do not see any plug wires so need to know what else I may be looking for. I read plug #6 is at rear of engine on the left drivers side of car. some help please thanks

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Yeah 6 will be the rear-most plug on the drivers side. I believe the H6 uses individual coils for each plug. Probably just whoever changed the plugs didn't get the connector on the coil clicked in properly. I'd take it to whoever put the plugs in and make them fix it.

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It was not a lose connecter. A bad coil for #6 spark plug. #6 was not firing at all. And yes I found out each spark plug on the 3.0 H6 has its own coil. No spark plug wires. Easy to get at from under the car, held on by 1 bolt and a plug connecter. Price per coil is about $90.00 to $150.00, depends where you buy from. So if you have a "flashing" check engine light and your VDC light stays on and engine running rough like a motor mount broke, you may want to have your spark plug coils tested. Maby this will help someone else here. thanks

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