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So I got some two piece lights (headlight w/separate corner light) off a 98 outback. They were yellowed, but cleaned up great. Problem is, all the adjusters are fudged. The pivot studs are broken on both sides, so the lights kinda just flop around. I'm trying to source new adjusters and pivot mounts but even the dealer can't seem to order any.


Does anyone know where I could buy some new adjusters or am I just gonna have to make my own? I suppose I could try to find some broken lights on a junkyard car and hope the adjusters are OK. I don't see these lights very often though. They're usually gone by the time I come around. :lol:

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I guess I get to make some. This should be fun. Have to dig into the old RC car parts bin and see if I can come up with some turnbuckles that will work. I'll put up some pics of what I come up with.

If you're referring to the plastic inserts that take the ball end of the adjusters, I did manage to find some online.




Scroll down to 95-7396-CP M11X12.5 Hole Headlamp Adjuster Nut

Toyota Camry '94/ - Headlamp Adjusting Nut. It's identical to the Subaru adjuster, although these made from a less durable clear-colored plastic. I have a few of these leftover if you don't want to buy a full bag.


I have not found adjuster rods, but these could be whipped up with a long screw, a ball bearing, and a blast from a welder or some JB-Weld...

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Sweet! That's exactly it! Thanks for the link!


I called up Toyota and they, surprisingly, had one in stock. :eek: So I went and looked and it's the right part just in black plastic rather than yellow. Their national warehouse had a dozen in stock so I ordered 5 more.

The metal hardware I think I can clean up with a wire brush so this should work out! :banana:

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