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Ultimate Subaru Message Board

New Guy, First FOREIGN car! haha

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Gonna be traveling alot lately, and go to school in MN, so I need to get around in the snow. so I found an AWD 97 subaru legacy L WAGON for 400 bucks, so I bought it on a whim.


It needs some work, so I'll be posting whats up in the forum, I need some help!


Wanted to say hi, and I've been reading through here, and there's some great information. Thanks for such a great site!

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if this is your first subaru then search first - folks often screw up and borrow philosophies from other makes/years and apply them incorrectly to subaru's. i'm sure it happens the other way around too. places like this get you the best bang for your buck for long term inexpensive reliability and repairs!


like your torque bind debacle - you already bought a diff, so that's $160 wasted. that's a high price, someone on here would have sold you one for $50 or something. and they never fail, so that won't be your issue. i mean, i guess if it's out of gear oil maybe it failed, but that's pretty rare. stuff like that is easily avoidable with the vast experience of boards like this.


welcome and good luck!

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I first thought that said India...and I was puzzled by what part of that isn't foreign...but I got it now!


I didn't know they were built in indiana. The more I get into this car, the more I really like them. Very good designs for practicality, as well as serviceability. I might be sticking with them. :)


Thanks again for this site, there's a lot of good info in past posts using the search tool.

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