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Seat Belts And Gas Pedal

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Anyone have a old Subaru 80s model sitting they used for parts or a old junker maybe?? I need seat belts for the front driver and passenger side and I have tried several salvage yards and looked online and nobody seems to have this all they have online is a universal 3 point seat belt set up.... Sooo hopefully someone on here can help me out, I need the whole thing from bottom to top and bolts as well as the strap with the buckle....



Also my gas pedal seems to get stuck when you mash it down, I have sprayed wd40 and work with it a little it seems to not get stuck as much, but still happens. The throttle bracket on the carb and the cable coming from the firewall are both working like suppose to I am just wondering if it is the actual spring on the pedal and seeing as it started to come back up after working with it, if I just need to keep working it and hope it stops all together....



Any ideas???

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