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My name is Kenneth, my Brat's name is Sabrina. First Brat, second Subaru. Sabrina has a lot of emotional issues. I have been perusing the posts in the older subaru section, and have yet to see one that addresses all of her symptoms... I bought her for $400.00, she's a 1980, with a parts from 78' to 80 something... lots of rust, and bent body parts, and I refuse to let her give up on life! I am desperately trying to intervene, but I am finding it exhausting, keeping up with her suicide attempts! The young joy-riders who owned her before me, did a lot of psychological damage. I think that we can address, and cure much of her emotional issues, with a good make-over, but I want to concentrate on the internal issues first...

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Welcome Kenneth and Sabrina :)


There are two forums that might help. One is the historic section (not calling her old) and one is the older generation section.


Do you have pictures?


More information on Sabrina and her suicide attempts? Might just be she needs a heart transplant :) and some metal surgery and she will go from being 31 and looking 50 to being 31 and lookin barely legal :banana:

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Yes I've been looking through both of those sections... The most pressing issue at the moment is the choke, or something to do with the vacuum... I can adjust (hours of adjusting... trying... adjusting...) the choke, and the timing, she'll run beautifully for a couple of days, then she's cutting out on acceleration again. She refuses to idle at 900, no matter what I try... I have replaced the fuel pump, filter, and this is carburetor number two... (used, but I cannot seem to find a new carb that is priced within reason...)I will be posting pics as soon as possible, no matter how much Sabrina objects... She needs to get over her objection to pictures...

Edited by cainneach
forgot something...
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As long as she trusts you I'm sure she'll come around.


I'm sure she knows its all for her own benefit, it can just be scary sometimes to have your faults strung up for everyone to analyze. But in some cases it really is the best way. And she should know she's safe here. We really just want to make her happy and healthy again.

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You need a Weber. Stock carbs aren't worth the headache unless you have a fondness for solving fuel mixture control problems with worn-out antique japanese copies of terribly designed european carbs.


Just get a Weber - they are also junk (Italian) but tend to only need seasonal adjustment of the choke and mixture controls, an occasional clean/regasket, and regular air filter maintenance. They are also simple enough for a child of 4 or so to rebuild using their plastic carpentry tools from Mattel.



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As long as she trusts you I'm sure she'll come around.


I'm sure she knows its all for her own benefit, it can just be scary sometimes to have your faults strung up for everyone to analyze. But in some cases it really is the best way. And she should know she's safe here. We really just want to make her happy and healthy again.


Thank you, I'm going to print this post, so she can read it!

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