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I'm looking to buy an Impreza 2.5i non turbo 2007. The car has a leakage is hardly leaking motor oil. the leakage I saw was down by the pan but i was not sure where. I notice when I went to test drive it. The guy took it to a mechanic and the mechanic said that there's a leak from a gasket in the solenoid. I was wondering if you guys could give me advice. Is this a Big problem? what is it exactly?? Is it expensive to fix?? should I buy this car with that leakage??




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Most oil leaks end up by the oil pan on these engines. Having a noticeable leak at such a young age is a little strange. How many Km are on this car? I would try to verify that the engine is original to the car. There should be a VIN engraved into the block on the lower corner of the bellhousing on the passenger side.

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