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List of Downloadable Files I has been sharing here since years ago.


This list used to be on my "Public Profile" on the Older and the Oldest USMB's systems, (You can see some Screen Captions I made, ~► Herebut since the Migration to the new Software for USMB, that list was Lost.  So let me redo it again:   :D 



 How to Keep your Subaru Alive (this book is Beyond Awesome)

      covers EA71, EA81 and EA82 engined Subarus, better than other books and with added fun!


 Subaru EA82 Service Manual, Part Nº 1

 Subaru EA82 Service Manual, Part Nº 2


 Subaru E12 / J12 Service Manual  (in German)


 2010 LADM Specs Subaru XV Catalog (LADM = Latin American Domestic Market) 


 Subaru 4EAT Transmission's parts list


 Subaru EJ22T Engine's Review


 P.C.V. System Factory Rerouting Kit info & Specs (Subaru EA82 SPFi engine)


 Different Motor Oils - Tests & Results with Pictures


 Subaru Impreza Diesel Sales Brochure


 Subaru's Electro-Pneumatic Suspension Patent Paperwork


 Numbchux's EA-to-EJ engine Swap Guide


 1985 ~ 1996 Autozone's Subaru Manuals


 2002 ~ 2006 Subaru Impreza Workshop Manuals


 Gregory's EA82 Engine Guide


 GD's SPFi retrofitting guide for Subaru EA81 Engines


 Hitachi Feedback 2 Barrel Carburetor, Easy Visual Repair Guide


► The book "Weber Carburetors" by Pat Braden


 Some Good Music to accompain you while Browsin' the Web! ♫♪



Did you know that Subaru continues offering the Dual Range manual transmissions on their actual Lineup for LADM (Latin American Domestic Market) and other world's markets? ... in fact, Subaru stopped offering them in USA only due to legal problems related to the "Chicken Tax". Also, did you know that Subaru offered the Early Legacies (1989 ~ 1994) and early Imprezas (1993 ~ 1995) with Factory Carburetor & Distributor on their EJ Engines, for LADM? ... you might want to see This Thread, with photos and details, here:


► http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/topic/98480-need-advice-legacy-wagon/


And you might want to Download the .rar compressed File that includes Photos of a Dual Range carb'd Legacy that I was about to buy for my Wife, it also includes the Specs and FSM Scans for the Carbureted EJ Engines, plus a Video of the Running carbureted EJ20 engine, it is here:


 LADM Specs Carbureted  Disty, Dual Range Legacy


I'll add more files as soon as Possible, I hope these files might be Helpful.


Kind Regards.

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I saved this page a while back so I could review your pics when I install my Weber. Now that I have a Weber to install, none of the pics will open. Humbug!!


Appreciated Fellows,


I've been a Photobucket user since year 2003; up to date I have almost ten Thousand of carefully edited photos uploaded there, and arranged in Albums and Sub-Albums according the Subject. I shared all those photos in the various web forums on which I am part, since years ago...  


After the first decade, Photobucket limited their bandwidth and started to ask almost $ 30.ºº US dollars yearly, in order to allow the photos to be displayed online. Despite of many personal problems like being jobless after fourteen years of hard working at the same enterprise, etc… I paid their annual fee, in order to let my many photos, to continue helping people worldwide, on my write-ups and posts.


However, after some years paying their regular fee, Photobucket is now asking and increased fee, of $ 400.ºº US dollars, which is absolutely unpayable for me. Remember that I live in Honduras, on the Caribbean—Central America area of the world, where paying in US Dollars, results way much more expensive for us.


Long story short: since my photos will fade away from internet, due to the insatiable money hunger of Photobucket, my motivation to continue sharing my ideas online is also fading away, because my many Write-ups and thousands of posts in different web forums online, will become useless without the photos. That made me feel depressed, you understand…


Here you can read further information regarding the Subject:


~► http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/topic/139920-photobucket-sucks-a-rant-about-picture-hosting-woes/


~► http://www.kia-forums.com/off-topic-lounge/148834-photobucket-sucks-rant-about-picture-hosting.html




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This thread is an index to my main write-ups, you can see it from the first page; almost every modification done to my Subaru "BumbleBeast" during all these more than three decades of continuos ownership, has been registered with photos and then, I explained them in individual write-ups, here in USMB.


Despite that you can bypass the photos display ban from photobucket, using a especial extension in certain web browsers, such like Google's Chrome...


~► https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/photobucket-embed-fix/naolkcpnnlofnnghnmfegnfnflicjjgj


...Sooner or later, the photos might simply disappear; so I have been working in "Offline" versions of my main Write-ups, which I want to share here, with you.



Feel free to Download this compressed .rar file, which contains a collection of my main writeups, each one has up-to-date information as they has been carefully edited and updated by me; hoping that the ideas I share, could continue being helpful, for more people.


MediaFire link: ~► http://www.mediafire.com/file/ehc2f95w44ax1hs/USMB_Writeups_by_JesZeK.rar


Mega Link: ~► https://mega.nz/#!R0kClZrC!5N0VTICSvTzAncfbK6jTHKGq87QC0qTu2iic8YK4EFY


Remember that this information means long weeks with days of very hard job, researching, planning, doing experiments of trial and error, tests in my Subie, spending money, etc… until finding the desired results; plus taking photos, the editing job on a computer, uploading, posting write-ups, etc… Lots of time and efforts are invested here, so at least the author’s name (JesZeK / Loyale 2.7 Turbo) deserves to be preserved; so please, keep this information as I uploaded it, with my signatures and watermarks.


Once downloaded on your computer, extract the folder from the .rar file using WinRar, read and enjoy;) 


Finally, if you find useful information on my write-up collection, please let me Know by hitting the "Like" Button. I ask this as motivation only, to keep sharing my works with you.


Greetings from the Caribbean, Honduras.

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I really need to fix my photo problem as well. Just really haven't had the time (Working in a shop with MilesFox) I am glad photobucket hasn't stopped you and I do apologize I have not been online much in the past month. Hoping you and your family are doing well!




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Thank you for your kind words; also I have been in  "offline mode lately.

(Update: for those who might wonder why, please Read: ~► Here)


I am really glad to know that MilesFox and You are working Together.

It would be awesome to be with you there, guys.

Kind Regards.

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  • 1 year later...

Yearly oil Changes has work fine for my "BumbleBeast" and I, no problem so far, using Valvoline's 20W~50 "MaxLife" oil, plus the Napa 41394 platinum oil filter, since 2014.


By the way, a local mechanic that I know, has a -new to me- Digital timing gun, which lets you put the ignition timing on the Distributor, in a much more accurate way; I've never used such a thing before, so he did the timing for me, on my Weberized EA82 engine, and after telling me that I had the timing way too high -around 21º- he moved the Distributor to 15.1º and... Wow! ...there's a Big difference, the Engine starts easier and accelerates better with 15.1º  

Remember that the under-the-hood sticker by Subaru, states that carbureted EA82's should be adjusted @ 8º +/- 2º (EFi Counterparts says 20º) but this Weberized EA82 performs best @ 15.1º as set with the help of that Digital timing gun; now the older light stroboscopic guns and other methods seems very archaic to me, nowadays... 

Kind Regards.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm not expert on mechanics, I graduated from the university in year 2000 but as Lawyer... however my favourite activity / Hobby is mechanics; I started with my father, doing basic maintenance on our family cars since young child, decades ago; and besides of basic maintenance, and repairs, now I love to improve cars as long as I can, with low budget; I don't build pocket rockets nor have much money; but I always try to learn and to dare to do something new, hoping to not screw things up... with the kind help of God, and the awesome fellowship on these automotive forums, I've went farther than I ever thought, even in my wildest dreams... so Thank you for your amazing help and friendship, you're awesome.

I've not posted very much about my beloved Subaru "BumbleBeast" because it is simply working Flawlessly, without a single fail nor repair since years ago, which is Amazing; however, I'll update this thread as necessary. 




Sadly we saw Facebook eating the majority of people frequenting real web Forums like this, where useful information is in certain order and persists; while posts in Facebook fades away easily and looks more like random data... I only access facebook two or three times yearly just to answer some questions from people who writes me there and to share some local photos; but Still I frequent this Forum trying to help newbies, at least pointing them in the right direction. We all were newbies once, isn't it?

I try to help with my limited knowledge, is Sad to see fellows departing from the forum where we found a home for our Subaru addiction; also is sad to see how few old fellows here, are not trying to give real help anymore; instead, they keep saying "That's a dead plattform, sell it and buy something newer" or phrases alike, but... Where would be the Fun and the Personal Achievements, then?

We love Subarus, and people like me are still attached to Old School cars; in fact, the more I see these plastic, weak and loaded of unuseful tech, new cars, the more I love my rustic "BumbleBeast"; specially being something that I feel like I built with my own hands.

Something that always amazes me regarding this Subaru Tank, is that it keeps its natural "New Car Odor" which we smell everytime we jump on it, despite of all these years and miles together ... :) ...

Greetings from Honduras.

Edited by Loyale 2.7 Turbo
to add a web link with further info on the underlined subject
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Wow the almighty bumblebeast, ive been browsing heavily weber conversion thread you wrote, didnt think you were still active. Im surprised to learn that you are a lawyer. Legal documents are hard to read and understand, your tutorials on the other hand are very detailed and well written. Many thanks to you 

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  • 1 year later...

Hi there. I am trying to figure out what is best to use for the KYB shocks. I am hoping that you, or others still check this page from time tot time. 

I have found some of the Honda coil springs form a yonke, but I would prefer a new part for the shock absorbers, due to the nature of how they function. It seems there is no longer availability of the KYB 341232 shock absorbers. I would prefer the KYB brand, and was told that the new part number for them is KG 9025. Does anybody know anything about this? Can anybody confirm the these would be the same, or at least if they would fit? or if there is any difference, like travel length, etc. ?

Thank you in advance for any info you might have!

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9 hours ago, bratlife said:

...Thank you in advance for any info you might have!

Please check the two following web links to two different Discussion Threads regarding these suspension modifications; they has Further information, more Detailed photos and explanations, also feel free to ask Questions on those Discussion threads:
Rear Modifications Here
~► http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/topic/130950-suspension-improvements-for-subaru-loyale/

Front Modifications, Here: ~► http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/topic/113907-lookin-for-a-front-lil-lift/page-2
If you find this information useful, don't forget to let me know by hitting the "Like" Button  :D 

I Hope this Ideas could be Helpful.  Kind Regards.

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  • 2 years later...
On 11/24/2011 at 1:50 PM, Loyale 2.7 Turbo said:

The Timing Belts on my "BumbleBeast" runs Coverless, since year 2009




So, I did a Double challenge, long term experiment with these Coverless Timing Belts, One challenge was mileage lifespan (to reach certain Mileage) and the other challenge was time lifespan (Endurance in time); and the Coverless Belts definitely Surpassed both challenges by far, with flying colors, way better than the covered ones, due to multiple reasons; but someting to consider is that here, in Central America / Honduras, climate tend to be very Stable and Never Snows; however, the belts were exposed to mud, dust, small gravel, small branches and different fluid spills, even an accidental screwdriver dropage during this more than a decade long test / experiment, everything was Repelled by the spinning belts, even they cleansed by themselves, due to their centrifugal action.


You can read Further, see photos and discuss the subject, Here:

~► https://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/topic/123470-timin-belt-covers/page/3/#elControls_1408538

Kind Regards.


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I decided to remove the Engine from the Car for three reasons, one was to do a deep Cleansing and repainting all the Engine bay; other reason was to change the Pilot Bearing from the Clutch, as it became loudly Noisy; and finally I decided that it was time to change the old, worn Hydraulic Lifters with a fresh set of new ones... even change the timing belts is easier outside the car, so I did everything at once.


I obtained a set of new Hydraulic Lifters' at eBay:



My beloved Subaru "BumbleBeast" has the oil pump and its Mickey Mouse Shaped seal, in healthy conditions, so the noise that the old, worn Hydraulic lifters were doing, was not the TOD ("tick-of-death")  sound; the clockwork noise were coming from their normal wear at this age and mileage...

As I've read several times, long years ago on these Forum; certain members exposed that the oil access holes on the Hydaulic Lifters' body, are so tiny that with age and usage, the varnish and sludge of these engines could restrict and even block the access of the oil at them, making them to work dry and noisy.

Furthermore, experienced mechanics suggested that such small openings on the Hydraulic Lifters' bodies, could be drilled and opened to the next size, in order to minimize clogging and let them get the oil pressure in a better way which may lead to a self cleaning operation.


Here's an example:


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My "BumbleBeast" it has being running with Valvoline's "MaxLife" semi sinthetyc multigrade oils; however it ran on mineral multigrade oils in the past and after all these years and miles, I decided to change the Hydraulic Lifters with a fresh set of new ones with their tiny holes already Drilled in order to improve the oil flow to them.




The back from a 5/64" drill bit, fits perfect on the tiny holes, but its cutting knives on its other side are wider up to the next size of it, you'll never know how many of these bits I wasted until I found a suitable one that could drill their metal, it is amazingly hard and even tungsten carbide drill bits were wasted by the dozen... so, it is better idea to get the Hydraulic Lifters to a professional lathe shop and let them do that aggrandizement for you, if you can... in my case I done that manually.



Then, a deep cleansing of each Hydraulic Lifter were nessesary.


Eating your Favourite Snack and Soda will help you to be Patient enough...


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Changed all eight old worn Hydraulic Lifters with a set of brand New ones, with their oil filler holes already aggrandized. Changed the old worn valve covers' Seals. Changed both Timing Belts.


Changed the worn old Pilot Bearing from the Clutch...



...completely and thoroughly deep Cleansed the Engine Bay and Painted it:


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