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I did reread this thread:



I have a weird situation. I have a VW GTI (and I found out VW uses Peanut oil in their wire insulation!) that has been setting at a place with junk cars and such. So I figure it's infested with mice.


I plan on having it delivered to me and placed on my lift (or as close as we can get it) since the rear end was almost ripped off the car.


In the same garage as the lift are a half dozen antique VW's. So with htis GTI setting in a place where it's probably infested and wanting to get the mice out of the GTI BEFORE bringing it into my garage what are some idea's?


Unfortunately my friend isn't reliabel enough to have him drop it outside then come back later to get it onto the lift.


No I don't have a cat and the only neighbor with a cat - well the cat is kinda old and doesn't come over here much.

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I've heard of using mothballs being used. my mom had mice setting up nest in her mercedes engine compartment and used some. seemed to help but she over did them inside to. Hard to get over that smell now. go easy with them if you use them. there are couple other remedies online search.

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Subaru and other japanese manufactures uses fish oil for the same reason. I had lots of problems with spark plug wires being eaten by rodents. Until I installed a ultra high pitch sounder in the engine bay. It is always on (well every 5 sec or so). And had never problems since.


These things are called Marderschreck in Germany, have no idea if they are available in us.


Sold on ebay:


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smoke them out with smoke bombs or use an ozone generator to suffocate them? that may be limited if they're in an isolated body panel cavity or something though.


Ozone i would not do it will rust your car. Suffocating not a bad idea, park the car in closed garage and start it, when it dies there is also not enough O2 for the mice. Then open all doors to outside and WAIT some time before going in.

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oftentimes the best solution is to...*gulp*...go for the kill.



I had a serious mouse infestation in my home for many years...they got into an old Saab I used to own...they would blind me and make me sleepwalk...they would drive me nuts with scratching.



Then my neighbor's dog decided to help and showed me how they were getting in my home.


45 dead mice later the problem is now totally solved!




Seriously, set traps and don't be a chicken.



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The car can't be sealed up.


The reared was almost ripped off the car - back bumper, hatch, etc.


I actually saw a mouse on my back porch today. It IS that time of year.


I did buy a few old fashioned "skull crusher" traps this weekend.


Last time I used peanut butter on a trap I had an impressive line of ants to/from the trap in my big garage.


I plan on stopping at my local feed store today - but I don't expect them to have any real stellar recommendations.


I actually miss the old D-Con that looked like ground corn and stuff - almost a powder. This pellet crap I don't think rodents even like. Must have worked too well, of pissed off environmentalists.


If you read most packaging most poisons loose their ability to kill when exposed to moisture. WHich means as they empty the poison containers often they are storing it rather than eating it (especially chipmunks and squirrels) and by the time they eat it it's unlikely to kill them.

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I've used traps in the mountains with mixed success. Often up there I think the glue was too cold to be effective.


I just tried the old fashioned skull crusher with some squeeze Tomcat trap bait on my breezeway since I believe I saw one there this morning.


I should also say that where the car is there are often cats until they are killed on the road, given away, etc. But not enough to keep up with the rodent problem.

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