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I hope this thread doesn't turn into a ************fest like the last one did.


If I had the money, this isn't how I'd build a rig. Everyone has a different idea of what their dream rig is, my dream rig is different than his dream rig.

Maybe his car isn't practical for something someone else's car is practical for, but it's better in some other regard. Not every car can have everything going for it at the same time.


I like this build because it's unique and badass. Just because it isn't what I'd do, I still appreciate it for what it is.


Live and let live guys.... The crap isn't very USMB-like.

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It's funny that you think people are jealous.....

And money is not the issue.It's how horribly fabricated your link suspension is.It's unsafe really for anyhting but road driving....


My entire point is you have no idea what you got yourself into, and now I just think it's funny.Especially when you think your parts are what they aren't.

All the money in the world can't fix stupid......

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Jealous people act just as you and your too crew do acting like gods of all knowledge following people around posting on their threads even tho they clearly dont like you


money is an issue or else even you would be able to have a fine rig like mine


yea well you havent proven to be some super source for correct information or good fabrication :lol: ive seen your hard core wheelin vids and your crap "fab" work too.


the sami tcase my is a part wife found and picked up was a driverside drop she thought she was getting the right part but had no idea what she was lookin at i didnt care i read into the np205 and it shouldnt be an issue that i didnt go with the sami tcase cause its my build not yours dude RELAX


IM the stupid one tryin to mess with people online. Hey pal get a job stop posting on usmb all damn day make some money and i promise youll feel better


WAIT i believe i asked you if YOU could do this and you said no..


just go away man you know i dont like you but you still post.


Oh damn, my gov job isna enough, in a fab shop no less!...


I build my ************.Enuff said.I tried being nice in the beginning, telling you you were being taken.It's ok, the funny thing about KIDS is they always think they are right.

I have spent years learning and building because i want to.Still have alot to learn, and gonna keep on truckin.You take your money with you on the trail, see if it can hold your crossmember together when it brreaks...LOL


oh yeah, and been doin it, my buggy has 38's sweetheart,38's.........

Edited by monstaru
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Jealous people act just as you and your too crew do acting like gods of all knowledge following people around posting on their threads even tho they clearly dont like you


money is an issue or else even you would be able to have a fine rig like mine


yea well you havent proven to be some super source for correct information or good fabrication :lol: ive seen your hard core wheelin vids and your crap "fab" work too.



Dude for the most part its fun to sit back and watch your people do this build but, I know Brain personally and he is a pretty good welth of knowledge, if you knew him you would agree, he might be blut but in the first thread you had he was being constructive, and offering info, in his way. all that aside..............


I feel as though you are proud of this rig and I hope the best for you in everything you do with it, but for me to be real honest, I think its sorta a super duper waste....And Im not Jelouse, I have my own lifted Subaru(s) ....... Brain, and I have both built our lifts, all though yours is far more involved than some of ours, ours are functional and cheap,and built with our hands. Its not even about money, I aint got none and I get by with what I have, I like to tell people that I built my car on poverty level pay and I still am able to have a good source of fun..... and I dont think my car the greatest thing ever, it breaks just as much as the other ones. I understand that its your car, but just chill out about people jumpin on ya, I do everthing my way and take the coments with a grain of salt..............and as for everone being an rump roast here, Ive met some of my best friends here, maybe you should take a long long look at all the treads youve put up here and read through them. some times you can find the anwser to them just by some of the things you have done and coming off a bit arrogant or flaky............. Im not going to post on this thread again. But the day you want to come up to Walker and show us what it can do, you are more than welcome..................



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