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Engine trouble: Shakes violently but won't start

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Timing belt maybe?


I was going up a hill at around 55 MPH, when all of a sudden, the engine revved up to 4k+, and then quit. I pulled over, and when I tried to restart the engine, it cranked/turned over, but wouldn't start. I popped the hood, and checked what I could, everything looks fine. I tried again the start the engine, and with the hood up, I could see the engine rocking/vibrating violently as i tried to start it.


Any ideas? Is this car junk now?

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Pull one of the outer timing covers and take a look.

If the timing belt broke, all you need is a valve job. That's really not a big deal. Or swap a 2.2 in, another fairly easy way to bring the car back. Regardless, engine trouble doesn't mean the car is junk.

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Timing belt is the right track. Put a new belt on, if a locked timing idler pulley or water pump caused the belt to break replace it as well and see if it will start and run. You might get lucky and not have valve damage. You can do a compression test to see which cylinders, if any, have bent valves. Of course repairing bent valves means removing the cylinder head(s).


Worst case you sell it to someone who knows how to fix it.

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