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been doing a fluid swap and got under there to do the second round plus the filter (OEM). drained OK but filter is permanently on there. and now somehwhat crushed thanks to my crappy filter wrench. i guess the new one will go on the dash as decoration. started with plenty of daylight but after searching for 45 min for my 3/8 for my other filter wrench and then the actual struggle with the filter i'm all strapped out with flashlights and a headlamp. now the gasket to the filler tube that attaches to the ATF bottles has decided to swell and now i have no choice but to make a mess or i starve since i need get to the grocery.


crushed ATF filter should be no problem, right? it's not dangling on there -- oh, it's on there GOOD, as a matter of fact. just a little.. crunched.


shoulda watched football instead..

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It helps to use two filter wrenches at the same time.......one that goes around the filter, and another that fits on as an end cap, and is turned by using a 3/8 " drive handle on the filter end cap. This gives you two handles, and double your power to loosen the filter.

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thanks for the quick replies. i've used up all the stock of ATF that i have for now. how much should i expect to lose if i eventually get that filter off? am i looking at another session of draining and filling or can get away with minimal loss with taking just the filter off? thanks again.

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I have used "filler" between band wrenches and the filter in the past - often cardboard. But after mangled and messy other thigs as well.


In the end often the screwdriver method.


By now you probably have the end already hosed. So try and get at the base. This way the leverage will also be more "true" to the threads.


The times I have changed the ATF filter I was also doing the normal draining so I don't know how much you may loose.


I usually figure 4 to 4.5 qts for a drain & fill without filter as a rule of thumb.

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welp, went over the the auto parts store and picked up some ATF to finish this damn job. ended up punching through the side of the filter and using it as a lever and even then barely got it off. all's good, i think, and fill er up and give er a cold check: not even registering on the dipstick. i put in another 1/2 quart and warm it up: still nothing. another whole quart and test drive: still nothing according to the dipstick. no leaks and the fluid is definitely going in the hole. 5 1/2 quarts at this point. wow. hard to believe over a quart came out of the filter hole. the two times before this took 4 1/2 quarts for just a drain and fill. this time i do the filter and all the sudden i need X more qts??? that fkin fluid is gonna be clean enough to bath in by the time i'm done!!!

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