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Best $350 I've ever spent!

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Hello all! Just wanted to say hi and say what a great place this is!


I've been a Subaru fan for a while, and was ecstatic when an XT was FINALLY posted on craigslist in NEO (North East Ohio).


While already driving a 9-2x (A dolled-up Impreza wagon), I wanted a winter beater since the area I work in is.. less than perfect.. :rolleyes:


Anyway, went down and saw it, was a mess, needed some lovin', but it was all there and drove and stopped. Dropped $350 and drove away.


With 161K on the clock, and a newer motor in there, there are some problems, but nothing major, and I'm lovin' her more every day.


Hope to be around for a while, cause this one will go in a barn for my kids some day. :drunk:

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