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Starter for 95 Legacy 2.2 5-speed - xref

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Hi, starter made a weird noise, but seems OK now, so time to find another starter for when that day inevitably comes. My question is, which other legacy starters will fit mine - does it have to be from a manual tranny, will a 91-94 2.2 fit?, and will one out of a 2.5 fit? Any knows how these cross-reference, I would appreciate the "4-1-1" - Thanks!:drunk:

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It all depends on what you're willing to pay, and how particular you are with your car.


honestly, as far as remanufactured parts go, the best I've seen in retail (Autozone, Pep, B&T, etc.) have been Autozone's Duralast/Duralast Gold brand. It's costy (check as autozone.com) but it's probably between $140-230. Lifetiem warranty and When I worked there, I didn't often get returns on the brand (meaning, the parts lasted the lifetime of the car, so hardly no one used the warranty).


And I doubt if the 2.2L and the 2.5L starters are the same, but you can find on the same website.


Just be prepared. No matter where you go, you'll probably can't get it locally so you'll have to wait a few days for the store/shop to get it in stock for you.

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