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throttle body coolent lines?

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I am having a hell of a time finding the correct hoses for this (99 obw 2.5) auto. Ordered them from gates but they were wrong! Don't want to go to the dealer. Can I just bypass them? Will it effect my warm-up or anything else? Can't figure out why they would want to heat up the tb. What do you guys think?

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I am having a hell of a time finding the correct hoses for this (99 obw 2.5) auto. Ordered them from gates but they were wrong! Don't want to go to the dealer. Can I just bypass them? Will it effect my warm-up or anything else? Can't figure out why they would want to heat up the tb. What do you guys think?


Mine have been bypassed for years. I'm not saying it's a good ideal, just that i personally haven't had any problems.


I can't remember why i did it though, i think one of the hoses had a leak and it was just going to be a "temporary repair"

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Right at startup it isn't going to make any difference since the coolant is at ambient anyway. The thing with the IACV and throttle is that it is air passing through an orifice, so there is a temperature drop associated with it. So it would probably be most likely to ice up in high humidity with the temperatures just above freezing. After the vehicle is up to operating temperature there might be enough heat coming off the engine to keep it uniced. I don't know if it matters a little ice, I wonder if there were ice on the throttle butterfly and it came off suddenly if it could get stuck under an intake valve. I mean it would melt fast but could be enough time for the piston to hit it in the interference engines?

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I have a friend who lives in sweeden. He's a nut job, and in the winter rides a dirt bike with spiked tires. His doesn't have coolant through the carb and he's actually had it freeze up on him more than once, sticking the throttle open.

Living in a cold climate, I'd probably keep the coolant lines there.

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I can't get regular hose to work. The bends are way to tight. Went to order at the dealer and he cent even find them! Anyone have part numbers? Got to say, subaru dealer part computer program sucks. Shows every hose at the intake ( vac etc) and just lables each as "hose".

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I had a hell of a time finding replacements for these last year. Subaru uses the same hose for two sides of the "loop". It looks like it won't work on the IAC side, but it does once the hose is installed. Kinda hokey, but it works and it's cheap at just 6.00 list price.


Get Two of these: 807607190

And get One of these: 21144AA001

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