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Fusable Link got hot i think..

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And started to melt the plastic cover.previous owner said he had alt/battery replaced when alt fried (which also damaged something in the gauge cluster,which was also replaced)


jacket on fusable link looks discolored but not melted..Just the black plastic cover of the box link is in..


besides the stock radio losing half the lights and most of the lights out for climate control,no electrical issues to speak of..should i replace the fusable link to be safe or should i not worry right now ?


(i'll try and get pic tomorrow)

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I would at least make sure the nuts on the fusible link are tight, and the contacts are clean. If the fusible link itself gets too hot, it will just open, that's how it works - but melting the link if too much current passes through it over a given period of time.


But if the contacts are dirty, that could easily make it get hot, since there is a fair amount of current passing through there with the vehicle in operation, especially with lots of accessories running such as lights, defroster, heater, etc.


The lights being out in the climate control, etc., might not have anything to do with the alt going bad. Those bulbs just burn out frequently.

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besides the stock radio losing half the lights and most of the lights out for climate control,no electrical issues to speak of......


(i'll try and get pic tomorrow)


If you care, here is a great thread on fixing the lights in climate control. Its really easy to do. On page two it gives a radio shack part number that are a lot cheaper than dealer lamps.




As for the stock radio, i'm pretty sure you have to solder in some new lights,but it's cake.. I i used an LED and a resistor so i wouldn't have do it again.

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I'd replace the whole fuse box. It's not good if the box gets hot enough to melt and the link doesn't blow, that's a disaster waiting to happen.


only spot on box that melted was a tiny spot just above link.looks like the bend in the link was in contact with cover.and isn't the wire supposed to be black..mine is kinda teal (blue)


will have to look into cost of new box anyway..





Edited by subie94
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Oh so it melted the top cover of the box? I was thinking it melted the bottom part where the connectors stick up. That could have just been from the link getting hot and blowing. Probably happened because of the alternator problem.

Pics help a lot!

What's in there now is a wire, NOT a fusible link. You need to replace with the proper link that ASAP.


Junkyard is your friend. I might have one I could send you if you can't find one at a pik'n'pull. I know I had one floating around somewhere but I'll have to look to make sure I still have it.

Worst case those are about $10-$12 new at a dealer. Part number: 82301GA060


Edited by Fairtax4me
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ah ok..Thanks for the heads up about it just being a wire..thought i smelt a wiring burning the other morning but couldn't pin point where..


i wonder if the one from my 94 would work.( pulled everything from the box when i scraped it..now if i could find it **Found it** )


I just hope the wire wasn't put in there cause something kept popping the link..

Edited by subie94
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