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Need help - side mirror controls bad

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2000 OBW, 155K. Suddenly the 4-way rocker control for the side mirrors has failed in one of the directions, for both mirrors. Anybody been there with this problem? Simple fix? Is that control separately replaceable, or must the entire assembly (including door window controls, etc.) be replaced? TIA.

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You should be able to pull the mirror switch out and replace it separately, but I think the door panel has to be removed to get access to it. Door panel removal takes all of 3 minutes though if you know what to do.

Roll the window down, remove one screw behind a cover under the door pull, remove the small screw under a pop out cover behind the release handle. Get your fingers under the bottom edge of the door panel and give a firm tug to pop all the plastic clips loose, then work up each side in the same manner. Pull up firmly on the rear half of the panel while pulling outward slightly, then rotate the panel counter clock-wise while pulling away to pop the door handle pull out.

That's how it works on the second gen legacy at least.

Then the switch assembly is held on by a few screws around the housing.

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I'll go confirm once the rain eases up a bit here... but;


The mirror controls are separate from the windows, I know because mine came loose and "fell in" underneath that trim piece. The trim piece with all the switchgear will just pry up - I think it's easier to pry from the top end first.


Update: Pic for ya.. You'll want to pry gently but forcefully at the top of the trim plate and it will pop-up. 2nd clip at the bottom too which is a bit of a pain to get to.


(Power Window/Door lock controls are screwed into the trim).


Edited by nickb21
Updated Pic.
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