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hello From pa

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Hello. Not really new to subaru but its been about 17 years since i've owned one. I just bought a 95 legacy LS awd for my daughter. Very nice car 118,000miles auto. But it has the dreaded torque bind i do believe. This car is alot newer then the subaru's i owned. The AT light blinks 16 times and i tried putting the fwd fuse in and it don't make a difference no light comes on when the fuse is in. I did change the trans oil yesterday and it did make an improvement. But the light still flashes. I tried the secret hand shake but it don't seem to work. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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There is no secret handhsake, you just need to pull the codes by jumping wires, but in your case there is no need.


Your Duty C is fried and needs to be replaced. Next question is is there any damage to the clutches themselves. Depends upon how bad the bind is and how long it has been like this. Sometimes you can't tell till the solenoid is replaced.

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Thanks but when i picked the car up the light did not flash and i drove it over an hour to my house. It had bind but no blinking light. when it started to blink is when i put the fuse in the fwd plug thats what isn't making any sence to me.

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