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Muddin hole?


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Sounds good... if you get a time/date set-up, lemme know, I know a lifted jeep that lives there that will go play, and I may join as well (depends on funds for gas :clap:) but its a ton of fun for mild offroading. couple nice mud spots and lots of puddles... few hills. The one my car is on looks small but it really wasnt... tried to climb it in FWD to see if I could... nope haha.

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I would be careful not to "wheel" on anyones property.Wheelers already have a bad name.Stay off of private or unmarked property.It is your responsibility to know where you are.

Don't go ************in it up for the rest of us.I don't care if "other" people are using the area.It is hard enought to keep our areas open, much less them seeing it in town..

For ************s sake......

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I would be careful not to "wheel" on anyones property.Wheelers already have a bad name.Stay off of private or unmarked property.It is your responsibility to know where you are.

Don't go ************in it up for the rest of us.I don't care if "other" people are using the area.It is hard enought to keep our areas open, much less them seeing it in town..

For ************s sake......


Its not his ********* property...

We checked. so go *********** raise hell elsewhere.

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Its not his ********* property...

We checked. so go *********** raise hell elsewhere.


Just take care of the ************in land so you don't give others a bad name.

And I'll raise hell wherever the ************ I want.Especially if it has to do with the "right" thing.And keeping one of my favorite sports legal.




If it is not a legal wheeling area , it is bad press.enuff said.*********************.......

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monstaru is right.the environuts have enough ammo to kill our sport.We don't need to give them anymore ammo.Wheeling in town will just piss people off eventually.best to play it safe.a couple pissed off homeowners complaining is enough to enact major changes.


on that note also try not to post pics or videos that could be taken out of context...

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Why don't you both be quite this thread was started so I could get info on a place to have fun not so two hotheads could battle it out



Ok, so if you want to have responsible fun.Go find a local offroad club that is involved in keeping your trails and mudholes open instead of being an irresponsible car owner.(not saying you are, but if you do not take these actions you are)

Then get involved.prettty simple.Or go drive some forest serrvice roads.

Your brat in it's current state is not designed for what you probably see in your mind as a mudhole.

It will get stuck, and when it does you better hope your not alone.These are all bad rump roast little cars, but I would hate to see another ruined from inadequate preperation.


So, no, I will not bug out.An on going problem with our trails and areas is that people that are not prepared going out and geting stuck.Eventually usually taking up resources(IE.Fire,Police) that are needed elsewhere.

The days of going out and having fun whereever you want are over.

The faster you realize that the better for the community.


Be pissed all you want.The voice of reason is always hard to hear.

cheers, or not

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i may go down it tomorrow..but it's notin special really just an open field that i saw...not sure if it was legal or not cuz i didn't see any no trespassing signs and there where no fences but it's a big open field that has some semi steep hills and some really rough bumps if you go faster then 10 mph i just don't know who to ask to make sure i'm not doing anything illegal sadly

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One thing to remember. In Oregon any legal trails will have a sign on either end. Giving the name of the trail and such. And you HAVE to have an OHV permit to use them ($10 for two years so no reason not to have one). Also there is a new road use map out. http://www.fs.usda.gov/wps/portal/fsinternet/!ut/p/c5/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3gjAwhwtDDw9_AI8zPyhQoYAOUjMeXDfODy-HWHg-zDrx8kb4ADOBro-3nk56bqF-RGGGSZOCoCAPi8eX8!/dl3/d3/L2dJQSEvUUt3QS9ZQnZ3LzZfMjAwMDAwMDBBODBPSEhWTjJNMDAwMDAwMDA!/?navtype=&cid=stelprdb5292058&navid=110350000000000&pnavid=110000000000000&ss=110606&position=Not%20Yet%20Determined.Html&ttype=detail&pname=Mt.%20Hood%20National%20Forest-%20Home


This is just for the forest around me. But they exist for just about every national forest out there (the map books are free from your local FS office). They have it now so you have to check if it's an open road to drive on. They no longer gate or mark roads closed, it's up to you to find out using the maps.

And the fines are big. A guy on one of the local 4x4 forums got his truck impounded and a $2,500 fine for driving down a forest road he thought was fine to be on (no signs or gates).

It's getting strict out there. And the more it gets abused, the more they tighten up. :(


Not trying to be a buzzkill, just trying to arm you with some knowledge so you don't get screwed.


Also remember that your Soob would be considered a "class 2" OHV. that'll help ya figure out where there are trails to use. Honestly the closest place with some actual trails and such where there are a couple trails that a stocker could make it down would be out at Tillamook State forest/Browns Camp. I know there are a couple new ones near Detroit Lake but they are Jeeps with 36" tires and lockers type of trails. And are proly snowed in now.

Edited by TeamCF
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Yeah there are a few trails out there that a stock Soob can handle. Gotta watch it though, even the easy ones like Cedar Tree and powerline have rocks the size of lazy boys starting to grow out of them now. Totally doable still, but a bit of wrinkled sheetmetal is just gonna be how it is.


Hogsback is a fun one though. Not a ton as far as rocks and such go on it. It's just really tight with switchbacks. And is a decent climb. :)

(Though I've not been on it this year, there could be rocks now. The local clubs that adopted the trails have been busy.)


They will get you out there for an OHV permit though. I've been checked almost every other time I've been out there by the Sheriff. Even when I helped him repair his quad on the side of the trail he checked me for a current OHV afterwards.

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Yeah there are a few trails out there that a stock Soob can handle. Gotta watch it though, even the easy ones like Cedar Tree and powerline have rocks the size of lazy boys starting to grow out of them now. Totally doable still, but a bit of wrinkled sheetmetal is just gonna be how it is.


Hogsback is a fun one though. Not a ton as far as rocks and such go on it. It's just really tight with switchbacks. And is a decent climb. :)

(Though I've not been on it this year, there could be rocks now. The local clubs that adopted the trails have been busy.)


They will get you out there for an OHV permit though. I've been checked almost every other time I've been out there by the Sheriff. Even when I helped him repair his quad on the side of the trail he checked me for a current OHV afterwards.


Sheriff, "thanks for the help..oh look you don't have your off roading tags here's your $100 fine"

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