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Question- 1984 GL Wagon Hitachi, location of fuel pump relay, or control unit


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  • 2 weeks later...

First - you will get more responses if you start your own thread.


Second - try a junk yard.


Third - if you can't find one - put a jumper wire between the hot pin and the fuel pump power lead in the connector that went to this module and the fuel pump will run with the key on. Temporary fix but if you want to make it permanent just get an oil pressure safetly switch instead - such as this:




If you rewire - be aware that you will probably also have to rewire the choke power. That runs from the same module.



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Been quite a few years since I bothered rebuilding one.... mostly I see how far I can shot-put them. :cool:. The DGV Weber is the simple and easy answer to the "What should I do with my Hitachi" question. The stock carbs are old and worn out and without rebushing the throttle shafts, etc a rebuild kit will only go so far. Better to just save the $50 you would spend on the rebuild and sink that into a Weber. The kits are only about $325. That's peanuts when you consider the benefits and the frustration you will save yourself.


If you do rebuild the Hitachi - don't lose the accelerator pump check ball. And try not to lose the tiny little cotter pins that hold all the linkage together. When you are dissasembling the throttle shafts thread the parts one at a time onto a length of wire so the order doesn't get confused.



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Well - all you really need is the adaptor plate and an air filter. That's all the "conversion kit" comes with anyway in addition to the carb. You will want the electric choke version (same price):




Of if you want a manual choke like the one you linked above (has to be a true manual choke carb - not a converted electric/water choke unit like they are showing):




And then you need the adaptor plate (not listed on that site):




And an air filter/housing:





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