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What brand of HG to buy and any tips for the install?

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So it seems I've got a project brewing and I humbly request advice from the you great folks on USMB. '82 GL with milky coolant=head gasket/head problems. Any brand of HG to use or not use? I read to torque bolts correctly ("like my life depended on it"), get to oper temp, cool and retorque. Any other tips on how to do it right the first time (and hopefully only time)?


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i prefer Fel Pro permatorque headgaskets on EA/ER engines - no need for a retorque. reuse headbolts on these, they are not intended to be replaced.


on EA82's the intake manifold gaskets are much better to get from Subaru, aftermarkets are cheesy cardboard and prone to leak.


these old subaru engines are rather easy to do, they're so easy i do them in the vehicle. it's usually not hard to come up with the Subaru factory service manual, scroll through that and ask if you have any questions.


change the oil immediately after you're done to ensure the coolant isn't in the crank case. if oil mixed in with coolant, flush radiator and coolant hoses to get oil out.

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