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Spent hours reading the threads on code 35

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I think I have read all of the posts on the code 35 problems/purge solenoid and have tried most of the easy suggestions short of a new solenoid. That is next.

On my 89 DL wagon 2wd, automatic, 1.8, TB injection, I cannot clear the code.

I have tried several from pick and pull, all have around 35 ohms of resistance, click when applying 12v with a jumper. With the car running there is 13 or so volts at the connector, I tried the 33 ohm 5 watt resistor plugged into the connector. The only manual I have is the haynes. I know the issue may be wiring but i need some inputs on the connectors used to check the codes. Under the hood on the drivers side firewall is where the check connectors are on this one, none under the dash. I plug the white one in by itself and I get the codes. Leaving the white one plugged in with the car running the light is still on. Plugging in the green and the white one with the engine running the CEL goes off. Plugging in the green one by itself with the engine off and the ignition switch on causes the clicking noise from the back of the car (fuel pump?)

My question I guess is what does the green connector do? The hanes book is very vague.

I took a picture of the connectors but I am not seeing how to attach it here. Im about to give up on the CEL, wanted to get it cleared to pass emissions in another state.......

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