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Transmision Filter stuck, please help! car cant move till fixed

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I am trying to get off my AT filter off of my 2002 legacy with the 2.5. it is the external round oil filter type and I can not get it off. I have dented in the end of it trying to get it off with filter plyers and it just wond budge, the filter is damaged and I now have fluid pouring out from it. Are there any tricks out there to get these dang things off, should I worry about denting the ends or just beat the hell out of it. Pleas help I need my car tomorrow and I cant drive it till i get it off. Thanks!

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When this needs done I do it mid way or further from the base to make sure I don't hit the nipple on the car.


You can also try things to "shim" under the band wrench. I often use cardboard, sometimes old 80 grit sand paper. Since at the base you get the most bang for the buck because the leverage is more "true" and it's harder to collapse at the base.

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With really stuck filters, I have used the two filter wrench approach, one to go around the body of the filter, and another as an end cap filter. With both wrenches in place, you have two handles to turn at once to get the filter loose. It is a lot less messy then doing the "screw driver through the filter" trick.

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Got it! Ended up buying a belt wrench that was just barely to small but due to the dents i was able to get it on and loosen it up, now I just have to hope that was my only leak guess i will find out tomorrow. Going through a pint and a half of atf every 40 miles was getting expensive. Thanks for all of your support guys, I love learning more about my girl! Couldnt have done all the work without these boards.

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Glad you got it fixed. Best two tools I have found for stubborn filters is 1. the three tined style wrench that tightens up on the filter using a wrench or ratchet, not necessarily this exact one but this style: http://www.amazon.com/Worlds-Best-Universal-Filter-Wrench/dp/B000UD0CTQ/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1325704339&sr=8-3


And 2, Vise grip or similar chain wrench like http://www.amazon.com/Vise-Grip-9-Inch-Locking-Chain-Clamp/dp/B00004SBCB/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1325704422&sr=8-1 But sometimes that rips the filter can open.

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