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Ultimate Subaru Message Board

Good news Badnews #2

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so the car runs, pics will be up soon, but the clutch isn't catching very well, it slips real bad, i should have prepped the flywheel and used a new clutch, but thats not the big problem.


the car is running uber rich, its the same carb as the old engine but it seems to run way rich, black smoke out the tail pipe, its got bigger jets than stock, i think around 165-170 which was to make up for the bigger valves higher compression and better cam, oh well i'll get back to it later this week. so if anyone has a suggestion for me, i'm listening.

BTW the engine feels like its loosing a cylinder on the road and then it suddenly comes back, weird, oh well its out of the garage for the first time in a month.


thank you Tony, from Va, theres lots of tonys on the board, for the dipstick tube, came today right on time.

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