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Automatic Seatbelts - Disconnect electrically before manually cranking?

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Yes, I know... yet another automatic seatbelt thread. :Flame:


But I searched, and didn't find an answer to this. ;)



The automatic seatbelts on my '92 Loyale have been dead since the day I bought it, "permanently" parked at the rear position. This was fine for me, as they had failed in the "safe" position.


A few weeks ago though, I pulled the battery to give it a charge (since the car doesn't get enough long drives to keep the battery up), and when I hooked it back up, imagine my surprise when the drivers side seatbelt moved forward! But unfortunately, it is now stuck in the forward position and won't come back. :banghead:


I've read about the hex crank (supposedly under the rear seat on the passenger side), and that there is a cover to pop open on the pillar to manually crank the seatbelt back... but the question I have - once this thing is cranked off of its limit switch at the front, isn't the motor going to try to automatically start pulling it again, one direction or the other? :confused:


Do I have to unhook the battery, or disconnect some other wiring to keep this from yanking the wrench out of my hand once I start cranking? :confused: How much of the trim has to be removed to get at the wiring connector on the motor, or is there a fuse or other more convenient way to disconnect them?



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  • 3 weeks later...

For what it is worth, I tried cranking while the power was still connected (key out of the ignition though), and the car didn't fight me. It didn't make any difference though, because as soon as you opened the door, they would just zip right back up to the front and stay there. :rolleyes:


I needed to fix this before I sold the car, so I ended up pulling both trim pieces and disconnecting the motors, then manually cranking them back. Nice and easy, problem solved. :cool:


Also, to correct my earlier post: I found the crank, and it turns out it is *NOT* located "under" the seat. It is actually in a pouch that is snapped onto the FRONT of the seat, right near the floor, on the passenger side. The pouch is made out of carpet material, so it blends in really well. But you don't have to lift the seat or anything to find it, it is just right there on the front. icon14.gif

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