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Headlight adjustment screw access on a Loyale?

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I’ve got a somewhat dumb question ….


How do you adjust the headlights on a Loyale?


I know there’s two adjustments, the left to right adjustment is really easy to get it, just remove the two screws that hold the grill in place and it’s easily accessible.


But take a look at the picture.


That bottom adjustment looks like a pain in the hind side, no easy way to get to it, do I just sick a Philips screw driver in between the headlight and the bottom trim piece that’s above the bumper and hope for the best that I don’t bend up the trim? Or is there an easy way to get that trim off?




I got a good passenger side headlight (thanks GD) to replace the old one because it has a hole in it, I figured I’d do some headlight re-aiming while I was at it.

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My daughter and I just did hers last week. Yes the screwdriver just goes in the bottom like you show. If you are worried about scatching the paint cut the side out of a milk jug and slide it in there first. You really don't have to pull the grill just have the hood open to reach the horizontal adjuster

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