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Rear axle U-joint replacement ?s

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(78 wagon) Ordered new axle U-joints, they come in tomorrow.

The FSM is a little vauge, are these going to be replaceable in the same way as, say, a typical driveshaft U-joint?

I mean, do I just undo the bolts and swap them out, or does this require the pulling of the whole axle etc. ?

(hoping I can do this by myself, but if an axle pull is required, I'm gonna need help:-\ )

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Originally posted by eyesore

(hoping I can do this by myself, but if an axle pull is required, I'm gonna need help:-\ )

if'n you need help, sure!

did you order the points and condenser?

see if there is some kind of a snap ring keeping the caps from coming off, that's how they should come out if no bolts

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