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85 Brat stalling at cruising speed... Help?

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You have a problem that is very similar to mine. I am a recent Brat owner ('84 Brat 212K) The Brat starts and runs from a cold start great. I can drive it all over town and it handles fine. But, as soon as I turn the car off for a few minutes then restart, it has an unresponsive middle acceleration. If I floor it the car will get up and go but the middle of the acceleration range is boggy. This will continue for about 10 minutes then sort itself out. I like the response about a new coil. The car seems like it is not acknowledging being warmed up and is going back to a cold start when the engine is warm. Any responses would be greatly appreciated.

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You have a problem that is very similar to mine. I am a recent Brat owner ('84 Brat 212K) The Brat starts and runs from a cold start great. I can drive it all over town and it handles fine. But, as soon as I turn the car off for a few minutes then restart, it has an unresponsive middle acceleration. If I floor it the car will get up and go but the middle of the acceleration range is boggy. This will continue for about 10 minutes then sort itself out. I like the response about a new coil. The car seems like it is not acknowledging being warmed up and is going back to a cold start when the engine is warm. Any responses would be greatly appreciated.



My problem turned out to be multiple issues with the hitachi. (Accelerator pump, small vac leaks, probably gummed up internals as well.) not to mention all the issues with cracking vac lines from the hitachi setup... I ended up going the weber route. its really not that hard if you do some reading and sort through the info on the forum.


Good luck

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You have a problem that is very similar to mine. I am a recent Brat owner ('84 Brat 212K) The Brat starts and runs from a cold start great. I can drive it all over town and it handles fine. But, as soon as I turn the car off for a few minutes then restart, it has an unresponsive middle acceleration. If I floor it the car will get up and go but the middle of the acceleration range is boggy. This will continue for about 10 minutes then sort itself out. I like the response about a new coil. The car seems like it is not acknowledging being warmed up and is going back to a cold start when the engine is warm. Any responses would be greatly appreciated.



Well I'll at least throw out the usual suspects and a shot in the dark of my own (hopefully some of the USMB wise-men will chime in).


Maybe you could post a more specific description of your symptoms & recent repairs to narrow it down a bit too?


First & foremost you say you're a recent owner, so you should inspect & replace (as necessary, or just for the hell of it as these parts are cheap and its fun to get thoroughly acquainted with your new ride :brow: ) the typical tune-up components. Distributor cap & rotor, Plugs, Wires, oil, filters (especially the rear fuel filter), etc. & check the timing!


Then spend the next few hours checking vac hoses for cracks/leaks...... I find Beer helps.. oh, and some carb cleaner :drunk:


Also, seafoam works wonders for most. try it.



Then as far as my shot in the dark, you should check your float level in the hitachi carb. really easy to see, it has a sight glass, should be at the dot in the center. otherwise, no bueno, señor...



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  • 1 month later...

first change the rear fillter then remove the front water seperator and add a second fillter there take the lines and hook them up strait trough there is a tiny red rubber valve in the return line from the water seperator that cocks up and thiss seystem was bad for messing up and check the fillter one the carb float valve seat was bad for pluging next check the intank fillter by blowing air carfully in to tank through the feul outlet line they had a screen fillter on tank pu that gets pluged so 1 2 3 4 fillters to check and make shure has a heat riser or will freeze up on wet days

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  • 1 month later...

It could be your choke. The choke in my brat wasn't opening properly and I had the same problems as you do. I placed a connection terminal for a small wire in the choke to hold it open. It runs great know. The terminal is only a temporary fix though. I just put it in last week. You need to switch to a pull choke. I still need to do this but my brat seems to have more power than when i first bought it.

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  • 1 month later...

Figured I'd do a definitive update.



Issue was a combination of a faulty accelerator pump in the hitachi & a variety of small vacuum leaks.


Weber carb swap fixed the issue.


Thanks for all those who helped. Looking like my milage will be great as well, went through abt quarter tank in 75 miles. Pretty standard IIRC.


Cheers to a solution! :drunk:

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