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Last week we had snow.I drove it to work.Didn't make it.Tried it in lower 2&3 gear Didn't help.No AWD.Front right wheel spins.I got on here reading about AWD.The oil temp light dose NOT blink,it dose NOT bind in tight turns,NO noise in Tranny,Shifts quite and easy,No fuse in FWD.I got out next day and double check right front wheel with left rear wheel. Rear wheels don't spin. It has a bad front left wheel bearing tho.(getting it fix this week $200) I took it to a tranny shop.History showed both speed sensor coded at some time but not now. Rear wheel will spin in reverse,in gravle Tranny shop said.I'm worried I'm faceing some big repairs, Any Ideals??Where to start??Thank you

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Check the drive axles!


If you can put the car on jacks stands and put in drive and see if all wheels turn.


I've had the rear drive half shafts pop out of the rear diff, if that is the case, the rear drive shaft is turning but the wheels won't.


Not likely since you say the rear drive wheels are working in reverse.


How are the fluids?


Does the AT Temp Light come on at all? Someone might have pulled the bulb. It should come on after you start the car.

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  nipper said:
ALWAYS put year and miles on the car, otherwise we sometimes wont have a clue on what to tell you.


Didn't I respond to this at some other place or is this dejavu?


Yup, you told me, but this is his 3rd post, Welcome & now you know.:D

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Oops! Sorry I forgot. It is 2005 Legacy i 2.5 lt.With 112,000 miles. Fluids are good.The"At Temp" light dose come on when first started for just a few seconds then goes out. I did post this on another thread with another problem it is having.The CEL and P0420 code.I only got one response on it.And it was about the P0420 code.Which I'm not as concerned about now with this AWD thing going on. I have not jack it up yet.But I will this weekend. Thanks for your help.I'm at a loss.What to do.

Edited by 05-Subie-98
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You can try unplugged the TCU and seeing if the rear tires spin. Make sure you got all 4 wheels jacked off the ground when you do this. Easiest to try it while on the lift. If they do not spin while the TCU is unplugged (and in drive) then you likely have problems with the tranny extension. Might be worn out clutches. Might be worn o-rings. Can't know until you get in there.

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Wow this and clutch issues making it around the boards .. usually it is frozen brake pedals in winter.


Car is too young to have failed clutches (never know).


I wonder if you have a dead VSS. Has anyone looked for transmission codes?

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Yes, The Transmission shop said it showed no tranny codes.only the P0420 code and in the history the speed sensors.But they don't show now.Starts good,runs good,gears change smooth as silk,no noise in tranny.I thought the clutches(duty c).I don't know tho.But the tranny shop test drove it and said the rear wheel/s spin in reverse in gravel.I've not tried that.he didn't think the clutches.??????? and it gets around 23/24 MPG. I'm in the Tn/NC mountains.

Edited by 05-Subie-98
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  05-Subie-98 said:
Yes, The Transmission shop said it showed no tranny codes.only the P0420 code and in the history the speed sensors.But they don't show now.Starts good,runs good,gears change smooth as silk,no noise in tranny.I thought the clutches(duty c).I don't know tho.But the tranny shop test drove it and said the rear wheel/s spin in reverse in gravel.I've not tried that.he didn't think the clutches.??????? and it gets around 23/24 MPG. I'm in the Tn/NC mountains.


It's HIGHLY likely that the tranny shop doesn't have the right machinery to pull Subaru transmission codes. I was getting an AT Oil Temp light flashing 16 times on startup, so I brought it to the local independent tranny shop. They weren't able to pull any codes from it, but I did the "handshake method" and got a code for the Duty C Solenoid.


You can build your own scanner and use a laptop along with the OBD-II connector and pull the code. Google for FreeSSM and you can have your own top-notch Subaru code scanner.

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Well lets do it this way, ask them how they pulled the codes. You don't need a scanner to pull them.


Another way to find out. If you dont have RWD when you floor the gas on dry ground, your front tires will want to spin, even more so on wet ground. The trick is NOT to have your wheels spin, but to have them turn and push you, this is the computers job to make happen.

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Speed sensors will cause the AWD not to work. I would look into why they are giving you problems. You should have no issues with the speed sensors. Strange that they gave a message, but not currently. Sometimes things will fail, but still be just in spec that the computer doesn't realize it's bad because it works "just enough" to not throw a code, but enough to make it not work.


I agree that I would take it out somewhere and try to verify for yourself exactly what it is and is not doing...

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Ok get this.I put it up on two big floor jacks with jack stands under it too.I had a friend start and put it in Drive a little gas.Both rear wheels turn.I stopped one with my foot.(it had some force on it,not free spinning)The other wheel kept turning.Dose it sound like the clutches in the Duty C could be slipping?Thanks so much.We're going to keep on till we get this thing fixed if we are not careful.lol

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