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Camshaft plug sealing connundrum- can I get away with a single bolt?

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'98 OBW with a '95 Ej22 swap. I've discovered that the plug which seals the rear camshaft opening on the passenger's side head is leaking badly. I know that normally this would not be a big deal; undo the two bolts, remove the cap, replace O-ring and reassemble.

Unfortunately, one of the bolts is seriously stuck. About 5 years ago when I first installed this engine I tried to remove this cam cap and gave up when one of the bolts started to feel "spongy" like it was going to shear. Hey, it was barely leaking at all at the time and I was in a hurry to get the car on the road. Never thought I'd be keeping the car this long anyway....


I think it's going to be really difficult to drill or extract the bolt if it shears with the engine in situ. I don't want to pull the head or the engine. If I can get one of the bolts out & shear the other one, is there any chance it'll seal ok with a new O ring (and perhaps liberally applying RTV or something to glue the plug in place?)



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There are some other bolt holes back there near the cap. I don't recall if any are threaded, but if so you could probably put a bolt through a large fender washer into one of the other holes to help hold the plate.

Otherwise, yeah rtv might do the trick if you can only get one bolt out. if you gO the rtv route, leave the rubber o ring off.

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Yes, there's an extra hole there and I think it's threaded. (I'm pretty sure the EJ22T used a cap piece here instead of the plug as the oil feed for the turbo- the cap piece used the alternate hole) Unfortunately, the extra hole is close to the "good" bolt side, not the bad one. Otherwise, that would be a pretty solid "rigged" fix- it was a very good idea though! I have a spare head at my folk's house. I'll examine it closely, pull the plug and see what I can work out.



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Well, the Ej22 heads are the same for both sides. Assuming there is no EGR on the engine, you could put a passenger side head on the drivers side, and vice versa. All the casting is there to hold the cam bearing/support that sticks out on the drivers side. The holes might not all be drilled out, I don't remember. Swap the cams so they stick out the rights ends and you can flip heads to tails. :grin:

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