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Transmission compatibility question someone who knows please help

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I have a 2002 outback wagon with a 5spd. The viscous coupler in the rear of the trans has gone bad, popped out the retainer band and the band got into the gears and trashed the two main gears in the center differential (rear part of the trans). I have been looking for a salvage replacement and it looks as though the exact replacement trans is 2000ish model year up, and that trans in salvage yards is quite pricey. I have found a 97 outback 5spd for a price I can afford. Is the 97 trans compatible? If not, can it be made to work with a little effort? I am planning to buy the whole wrecked car, remove what I can use and part it out to help recover some cost.


My question is just about making the 97 trans work in the 02.


I need someone with some expertise to help me out here with some advice on making it work if it can be done. I have no problem with changing out the rear diff too if necessary for axle ratio reasons.

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If the main part of the transmission was not harmed, you can swap just the center diff, transfer gears and bearings. Then ditch or sell the rest.


The whole transmission should bolt in and work just the same. Though the 97 will have 4 fewer bolt holes in the bell housing. Not like it really matters. Subaru used 4 bolts to hold the bell housing together for like 25 years (maybe more) before the new 8 bolt bellhousings came around.


You may need to swap reverse and neutral switches to keep wire harness connectors the same, and maybe the Speed sensor.

Some of the mounting brackets may need to be swapped around, but that's just a matter of a few bolts.


Actually 97 might have had a cable clutch, so the clutch release arm may need to be switched out for the hydraulic one.


Forgot to paste the link for parts interchange info. http://opposedforces.com/parts/legacy/us_b11/type_47/manual_transmission/mt_transfer_and_extension/illustration_6/

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You will need the driveline as well. The 99+ transmissions are a different length.


The 97 should be a hydraulic clutch so you are ok there.


It may not have the exhaust hanger in the correct place. And it almost surely will not have all the bolt holes for the air-box mounting arms if it's equipped with that style....


It can work. But it's going to be something you will just have to do and find out what the catches are once you have the tranny in place.



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