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ea81... torque the center nut in three steps?

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When I did this, I used a method similar to the one in the Chilton's manual. They have instructions on how to make a spacer to put in place of the rocker arm assembly. I just used a couple of 1/2" drive sockets and large washers as spacers for the rocker arm nuts. Then, after you're all done torquing them all down (including the ones on the spacers), you remove your spacers, put the rocker assembly on, and torque its nuts again.


I hope that made sense. It's really easy and saves you the trouble of buying a tool you'll hardly ever need.

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the clouds have lifted., and grey matter has began to twitch. A vast flood of knowage has sweped over me! Thankyou guys!

A long kept secret passed down to the palm of the incredabley stooopid!

thanks again, floortom the feeble

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