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Flasher/turn signal problem

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I have a 99 Subaru Legacy. My problem is this. With Headlights off, left turn signal flashes fast, Right flashes normal speed. With headlights on both flash normal speed possibly slower. When you turn the hazards on, the lights on car light up but do not flash. There is no lights on dash. any idea's? Thanks in advance.

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Sorry. Just checking. You'd be surprised at how many people ask about their corner light staying on, or the hazard lights not flashing :)


It sounds like a bad ground or a short circuit on the wiring going to the front left lights. If that ground lowers the voltage seen by the hazard flasher you would lose that function as well. Have you tried measuring the voltage between the socket and ground and/or B(+)?

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Ok pulled drivers side front bulb out and it looked ok. Put it back in and turn signal works fine now....So one problem fixed. The hazards still do not flash when turned on, and there still is no hazard lights (turn signal lights) flashing on dash. The lights just stay on steady.

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