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OK... so I seized the engine on my 03 Baja. I won't get into details, but I will get right to the questions, because sometimes I just don't trust the mechanics.


I know the engine is EJ25 2.5L Non-turbo. I know that for the most part any EJ25 2.5L Non-turbo should fit in the hole. I also know that finding a local dead Subaru exact or near-exact match is extremely difficult locally, and I know that it is dang expensive for a new or rebuilt engine. So my first question is, what else will fit in the hole?


Right now I only know what the mechanic knows, that the engine is seized... somewhere along the line it went from "OK" oil to "NO" oil in less than a week (yes, I check that weekly, so things like this don't happen). As soon as the car was safe to inspect after the incident, the dipstick was dry and the underside of the engine was awash with oil, however there was no streaking on the under carriage or big spots on the highway. Oil filter was oily but tight, as was the drain plug. No obvious indication of where the oil came from (i.e. the leak or failure point). And the topper: oil light never came on. Highway was one I'd been on countless times, was doing 60mph on a slight uphill grade. happened about 2k miles and 2 months after the last oil change. My questions here are: What can I do to help prevent this from happening again? Where are some places I can point the mechanic to to help find the source/cause? and finally, In this kind of situation, what would typically be the absolute minimum pieces and parts to replace?


I am on a budget, and four of the quotes from two different places I have for replacing the engine (albeit with brand new or crate engines) exceed the cash value of the Baja. I would love to get this done for $4000 or, preferably, way less.

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Bring it down to me. I just did an '04 Baja around Christmas. Total cost with a 125k used engine (with warrantee), new head gaskets, all new timing components, seals, and tune up parts was $2400 (engine was $1400). He was very happy with the outcome - board member from Seattle actually.


I can come get the car and tow it back to my shop in Portland for about $250. Take the bus or train down and pick it up... etc.



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It would have to be a sooner rather than later deal as I have not yet pulled the trigger on the repairs and the shop is getting kind of froggy with a car not making them any cash taking up one of their bays; and its not in the best neighborhood to be left out overnight and unattended in (but they do good work, if not danged expensive for some things).


I'll PM you after work or you can PM me on this and work out the details - seems like we might have a deal, though.

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The "oil warning light" on the Subaru engine works on oil pressure, not oil volume. Your engine can loose a huge amount of oil before oil pressure starts to fall. On top of that, the Subaru engine oil pressure sensor will only set off the oil warning light when the oil pressure has fallen to just a handfull of psi. The amount of oil pressure changes dramatically with engine rpm. There is no cheap and easy solution to this problem. If you are checking your oil level weekly, you are doing your part. Sometimes bad things just happen. Some experts recommend checking the oil level at every fill up. If you had a sudden oil loss even checking the oil level at every fill up would not have helped.

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