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Weber carb for my 87 gl?


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Most people plug the EGR. It can be tuned with the EGR, but I myself just plug it.

Unless you live in the desert, you do not need any fresh air feed. I used the filter like yours and had no issues. However, when I did the Weber swap on my sister's car, I used a combination of the EFI airbox, K&N snorkel adapter for the Weber, and some piping from autozone to get both cooler air and also to help prevent water ingestion with her puddle charging habit. I've noticed a small decrease in upper RPM power with that snorkel adapter, but it's best for her car. I can get a pic later when she's home to show you if you'd like.

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  subynut said:
Most people plug the EGR. It can be tuned with the EGR, but I myself just plug it.

Unless you live in the desert, you do not need any fresh air feed. I used the filter like yours and had no issues. However, when I did the Weber swap on my sister's car, I used a combination of the EFI airbox, K&N snorkel adapter for the Weber, and some piping from autozone to get both cooler air and also to help prevent water ingestion with her puddle charging habit. I've noticed a small decrease in upper RPM power with that snorkel adapter, but it's best for her car. I can get a pic later when she's home to show you if you'd like.


How would i go about plugging the egr?

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  TheLoyale said:
This is where the simplistics of Electronic Fuel Injection come into play, No worries what so ever ;)


I think the stock jets will work just fine for all your needs, I also don't know why you need so many block off caps...? From every other Weber conversion on an EA82 I've seen, I don't recall this step.


Perhaps I am wrong.


PS, I mailed out your clips tonight.


Wait EFI? I thought it was carb'd. Now I am all confused. running 4500ft to 8000 roughly. Shouldnt i re jet? is anyone running at like 5500 ft or 6000 and what are your jets?

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EFI is better in my opinion then Carb, no worries on elevation, no worries on cold starts and more power, plus the SPFI system of the 1987-94 EA82 is pretty reliable (I've never had an issue)


I am just now getting into Carbs with the EA81, gonna see which I prefer more.

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  TheLoyale said:
EFI is better in my opinion then Carb, no worries on elevation, no worries on cold starts and more power, plus the SPFI system of the 1987-94 EA82 is pretty reliable (I've never had an issue)


I am just now getting into Carbs with the EA81, gonna see which I prefer more.


Oh okayyyy i see. Well i think I am gonna re jet it, was talking to my boss tonight and he said, better to do it now while my carb is in my hands, then to do it later once gas has run through it.


edit: ponyed up and bought the altitude weber kit. it will pay for itself by giving me better performance. i figured i might as well do it right.

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  Moosen said:
Oh okayyyy i see. Well i think I am gonna re jet it, was talking to my boss tonight and he said, better to do it now while my carb is in my hands, then to do it later once gas has run through it.


edit: ponyed up and bought the altitude weber kit. it will pay for itself by giving me better performance. i figured i might as well do it right.


The Weber is dead simple to swap jets on. Just a matter of pulling the top of the carb off and the jets are right there. The idle jets are on the outside and easily accessible even when it is installed in the car.

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  Moosen said:
How do i plug the EGR?

Some people just leave it on and unplug the vacuum line to it. You can also fab a tin plate to fit over the hole where the egr valve bolts on. Take the valve off trace the bottom of egr onto the tin, drill the wholes out then put a gasket under the tin and bolt it to the intake. I just leave my egr valve on.

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Thank you. Crap i started the job..... got the old float bowl off so far. and now there are lines running everywhere and I have no clue what goes to what.


Crap! also when i unplug the fuel line from the hitachi is gas gonna go everywhere? Does anyone have a diagram of the craptachi?

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  desertsubaru said:
There is a coolant passage under the carb. Your going to want to get some JB weld mixed up to plug it up. I take a piece of screen and jb weld over it. Make sure you smooth it out well.


Why would i want to cover it?

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Alright so i have my weber on and installed. it starts and runs and idles. But lots of smoke is coming out, used to be white but is more blueish now? any ideas what it could be. it is a significant amount, I am trying to get a video of it.

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You did not block the water port off good enough on the intake to carb adapter plate.


It is dumping coolant into the intake, and some is dripping out the manifold exhasut gasket and the rest is going out your tailpipe.


You will have to pull the carb and adpapter plate, resurface the adapter so it meets flatly and reseal the water inlet.



Then when you get that sealed right, you need to drain your oil, cause it too will have coolant mixed in it, and change the oil filter and put new oil in it.

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  bheinen74 said:
You did not block the water port off good enough on the intake to carb adapter plate.


It is dumping coolant into the intake, and some is dripping out the manifold exhasut gasket and the rest is going out your tailpipe.


You will have to pull the carb and adpapter plate, resurface the adapter so it meets flatly and reseal the water inlet.



Then when you get that sealed right, you need to drain your oil, cause it too will have coolant mixed in it, and change the oil filter and put new oil in it.


Thank you! i will try this tomorrow! hopefully this fixes it!

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Save the plastic T fittings from the old pcv setup. You'll need those to correctly hook up the pcv stuff.


Check out my build post for a weber on my ea82 engine. It outlines both pcv, egr and thermo-vac switch connections to the carb. I'd ditch the anti-after-burn valve and charcoal canister, as well. http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/showthread.php?t=114817&highlight=1987+sesh%27s


Also, I live at 6512 ft and had to get the high altitude jetting kit. I think I bought it for about $40. It's nice to have the kit to play around with and not be stuck with one alternative jetting option.

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just re jetted and it idles better. But when i hit the gas pedal abruptly from idle the car actually dies, as if it is not getting enough gas? i only stepped down one size. ay yi yi. this is annoying. ahaha


so am I running too lean?

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