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What's valve adjustment like in 1995 Impreza L, EJ18?

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I'm wondering whether someone can tell me what the deal is with valve adjustment for an EJ18 motor in a 1995 Impreza L. I've never had the valve covers off this motor, but when I did for my 1996 Impreza Outback EJ22, there were no screw adjusters and I think that's either adjusted with shims or has hydraulic lifters. Sorry to be so clueless - it's been a while since I paid attention, but the lifters are a bit noisy on the '95 EJ18, so I'll probably pop the covers soon.




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Noisy HLAs can sometimes be cured by half a bottle of Marvels Mystery Oil poured in the crankcase and run for a few hundred miles. Change with fresh oil and filter. To help keep the lifter ticks away I run Valvoline Maxlife 5w30. It cleans everything in the crankcase and helps condition seals.

Seafoam works as well, with similar results.

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