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SJR Lift Kit install question


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Hey there,


My buddy uwjberg and I are installing the 4" kit on our 91 Legacy this weekend and ran into a small snag. We can not figure out where this bracket goes. The other pics are of what we have going on now. Unfortunately, we did not get the directions from Scott and have not been able to reach him on the phone. The car has an auto tranny if that is pertinent. Let us know if you know where it goes or if you see we are doing something stupid. Any help is appreciated, thanks!









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  jrxl said:








But this block seems sketchy. There is nothing to keep it from rocking fore and aft. Espescially bad considering that all the force of front axles moving the vehicle goes through that block. If it rocks, it will change your toe during accel/deceleration.


I've had bad experiences with "c" beam blocks in lifts because they like to twist.






After reading Scott's response below, I am more confident in the blocks. The second block will brace the first.

Edited by Gloyale
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Hi there - so I'm helping install this kit and had jrxl post up. I do recall Scott telling me that the mystery bracket was a brace of some kind for the a-arm block, but I can't remember how it goes together (I don't have instructions) and I don't see any obvious places where it would bolt up. If anyone has a pic of how it goes together that would be especially helpful.



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  jrxl said:
Hey there,


My buddy uwjberg and I are installing the 4" kit on our 91 Legacy this weekend and ran into a small snag. We can not figure out where this bracket goes. The other pics are of what we have going on now. Unfortunately, we did not get the directions from Scott and have not been able to reach him on the phone. The car has an auto tranny if that is pertinent. Let us know if you know where it goes or if you see we are doing something stupid. Any help is appreciated, thanks!





This piece works at a 90 angle to the one in the following picture, there is a captive nut in the body( it may have a rubber plug in it as you have a automatic)








in this pic below you can see the 2 parts sitting together how they mount, it add bracing to that arm mount



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Thanks Scott - so does the a-arm bracket look like it's installed correctly? IE, the 'c' open towards the front of the car?


Also - I know you mentioned that I need to flip a bracket underneath - something about the center dif maybe? The way I have it installed now the front driveshaft is rubbing a bit.


Thanks again - I need to write it down next time!

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  uwjberg said:
That's what I was thinking - but I think that means that the a-arm brackets are on the wrong sides (the open end would have to be towards the back for the brace to fit into it). Right? Am I crazy?


Yep. Need to switch sides. It will be much easier this time though.

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  LiftedLegacy said:
Is it finished yet? I want to see some pics!


I feel like it is cheating posting pics, because we haven't finished correcting the kit install yet and we have much more work to do... But, it's not like it's going to look different. Here is the before/after. And thanks again for your help!





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  • 2 weeks later...

Not quite. All of the lift pieces are on, but we are having some sort of rubbing/grinding issue. Trying to figure that out before we order the tires. Hope to take a look this weekend.

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Did you swap the dog bone with one from an Outback? You might have enough adjustment in the one you have. Just loosen it up and it should fall into place. Let me know if you guys need help. I can stop by on my way home or meet up sometime on the weekend.

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Dogbone? Help me with that one - not familiar with the terminology.


When we got the strus from PnP we picked up a decent set of rad hoses. I spliced them with a short piece of exhaust pipe. A little ghetto, but seems to work ok for now.

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  LiftedLegacy said:
Grinding noise would be from the engine and tranny not being in alignment. Not sure what he would be hearing in the suspension.


Uh....engine and treans are bolted solid toghether? How would they be out of alignment?


I would suggest checking the gaurd plate that bolts to the rear diff, the shifter stay, and your exhaust. Especially if you didn't space the carrier bearing down the the same amount as all the rest.


It changes the angle of the center driveline, which can cause rubbing of the driveshaft on the shifter and the rear diff gaurd.

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  Gloyale said:
Uh....engine and treans are bolted solid toghether? How would they be out of alignment?


I would suggest checking the gaurd plate that bolts to the rear diff, the shifter stay, and your exhaust. Especially if you didn't space the carrier bearing down the the same amount as all the rest.


It changes the angle of the center driveline, which can cause rubbing of the driveshaft on the shifter and the rear diff gaurd.



spin over the center bearing that will drop it a bit

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