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I've given in to the fact that I'll need a headgasket replaced on my '97 Subaru outback wagon. The dealership wants $1300 - 1500 for the job.


Was wondering if you could verify this price range, decent? What about a non-dealer, probably cheaper, any idea how much THAT would be?


also, are there any clear advantages to having the dealership do it? I assume there's no warranty, just the hope that the dealer knows the car better than a non-specialist huh? worth the extra $$?


Thanks for any help


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Sounds a little high. I've usually heard closer to $1000. That's about what I paid for mine. And that included machining the heads and a full valve job.


You should have a 1 year, 12,000 mile warranty on the work if the dealer does it.



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I paid about $1500 for my headgasket at a local dealer. I own a '98 Outback with 108K miles. The price included a new timing belt and spark plugs.


An independent shop wanted $2200 for the job. That included machining the heads, but did not include a new timing belt. I decided not to work them because of the price and the fact that I had already given them $150 to mis-diagose the problem i the first time.


From my unerstanding, the DOHC engines cost more than a normal car because they have two heads. I could be wrong about that.

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$1500 is in the correct range.... w/ timing belt, seals, etc. while they're in there. I had mine done a Smart-Service in WA here at 70,000 miles... they did a great job. Make sure you get the new-type of gasket put in.

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Thanks for your help, I guess I'll have to go ahead and do it with the dealership (despite the fact that they charged me $210 for a mis-diagnose then a correct diagnosis).


Final question: if I have this done what is the likelihood that this will happen again? I've read many posts on this site from people saying they've had to have it done up to three times!! if that's the case I'll have to sell the car....

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Knocking wood...


It's been just under 2 years and 120,000 km since my gaskets were changed on my 97 OB.


If you want more assurance, put in a CCR Inc rebuilt engine. You get a 3 year 36k mile warranty... but it will cost you twice as much...



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what is the likelihood that this will happen again?


Only SOA knows the numbers.


Just about one year and 30k miles on our new head gaskets.


That quote seems pretty reasonable, just make sure they do everything they should while they are in there.

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