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Funky Idle?

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Hey guys, ever since I got my GL-10 it has had a funky idle.



Here's what happens :



When COLD, if I start it up the engine shakes for about 5 seconds then streightens right up and idles around 1500-2000rpm until warmed up where it idles at 900-1000rpm



on a WARM restart the idle will stay very low for about 15 seconds then slowly go up to its normal 900-1000rpm.



It annoyes the hell out of me.



What do you guys think it could be? The WARM restart bothers me the most.

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when its cold, its running in cold enrichment mode to keep it running, it'll do that, if it does it too long the temp sender for the computer may be bad.


as far as the warm restart, it could be the same thing, if the computer reads that its warm it won't cold idle enrich, but it then finds out that it needs to enrich more that it thought to keep the engine running.


on a random tangent when's the last time you've replaced your fuel filter, that could cause some issues with the fuel system, its always the best place to start.

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The cooler Thermistat helps resist detonation (turbo only)



and keeps the engine cooler on hot days.



Havent had any problems on 40F day's, milage has actually increased a bit.



Plus going from 190 to 180 wont shock the ECU like going from a 190 to a 160 (if you can find one)

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