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Where are the headlight adjustment screws?

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So, I need to adjust my headlights, and unfortunately SOA does not trust me to do this on my own. The front of the manual says to turn to page 10-46 for "Adjustment of headlight aim" but when I go to page 10-46 the manual shows how to check the center points and tells me that if the lights are out of place I should bring it to the dealer.


I see that there is one screw on the lower outside portion of the back of the housing. Is this the up/down or left/right? Where is the other? Is the one I see the up/down and the other adjusted using the left/right gauge? I see that there is a stem coming out of it with a hex end on it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.




Worthless manual page 10-46.


Edit: I gave the stem coming off the the R/L level a gentle turn and it moved freely. Was certainly the L/R adjustment. I used this guide. Made a drastic improvement in my headlights and allowed me to adjust fog lights for most efficient use in their intended application.

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you adjust the headlight as follows:


for the vertical, adjust the inbd screw (found on the back of the assy, you can see the two adjustment screws on the picture in your manual). adjust the vertical until the bubble is centered in the indicator. the horizontal screw is the outbd one, there is an indicator on the screw, the manual says don't adjust it more than 2 segments either way from the center of the guage.



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