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EA82 Brake rotor and pad combo

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Whats out there? Ive been looking around and I like quite a few of the brake rotors and pad choices out there.


Probably end up with ceramic brake pads, quieter and cleaner on the wheels.


Still looking at rotors... I really like the idea of cross-drilled/slotted rotors, but I hear they are causing more harm than good.


What do you guys use? Not looking for the ferrari of brake equipment as its still 4x140 at this point... eventually Ill be 5 lug :banana:

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I usually look at what was put on from the factory, and go that route if you are using a stock brake system. I steer away from ceramic brake pads. I don't like buying pads that are warranted for a lifetime either, I mean really, lifetime warranty brake pads?!?! They are designed to wear out, and if they are warranted for life then, what else is gonna wear out, usually the rotors.


My $0.02 is, buy the cheapest rotors, and some decent organic pads, throw them on your car and drive it.


Actually, I have a brand new set of pads, and some good used rotors up in the barn that you can buy for super cheap if you need brakes....


Lemme know...

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Drilled and slotted rotors are no longer needed with modern pad materials. They chew up pads something aweful - basically like a cheese grater on your pads. They are for show - and people who actually know what they are looking at aren't impressed.


You talk about doing all this stuff to NED - but you never have any money. I think your focus should be getting a job and moving out of your parents house. In the scheme of life this is far more important than performance brakes on your 85 HP 4-lug econo-sedan.



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Moving out is a huge priority... Getting my car running like when he was in your possession is another huge priority since having reliable transportation is part of getting a job.


Or move close enough to your job that you can walk or bicycle.

Cars suck.

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Or move close enough to your job that you can walk or bicycle.

Cars suck.


Yeah... Cars suck. :burnout: They're expensive and expensive. Why the heck do I own two? I still can't fully answer that question.


Anyways, get a good bike and a job (good commuter bike = 2 tanks of gas). I used to commute 6 miles each way, 5 days a week on my bike for years. The great thing was my beloved cars only put about 3000 miles on a year and I had money to UPGRADE. Tell Progressive that.

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When the stock pads came apart and the friction material spat out between the bracket and the disk leaving me with just the backing plate to stop with as I came up to the tollbooths on the interstate in Buffalo NY, I replaced them with whatever $12 in stock pads the nearest parts store had and got back on the road. I had 215/75r15's on the car at that point, and the braking was never that good but I figured the oversized tires were to blame.


I found some left over Wagner brake pads still in the box from my dad's subaru. The braking improved dramatically after swapping those in. I could actually lock the tires up at speed if I wanted to. They probably cost $30 new, but they were more than twice the pad the $12 ones were because the car could actually stop.


I've never liked ceramics because they often don't bite well when cold. Most of the everyday driving you do is on cold brakes.

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Driving is huge for me. I lost my license, and I havent been able to drive my car, just ride in it... and its really been driving me insane the things that seem to have gone wrong from being parked for awhile... but the brakes is a problem.


I would do a helluva lot better financially if I wasnt paying rent to my mom haha

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They shouldn't warp after a year. Check that your parking brake isn't dragging. Maybe buy a different brand.

There's no reason to treat your discs, high performance whatever etc with these cars. There just isn't. Get whatever is cheap.

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Well, I think my driving style has something to do with it. And now my engine has close to 300 HP.


I've tried some crap brand, and Meyle, and the latest ones are Brembo.


Oh, well... I was going based off a stock 90hp engine. Quite a different story there..

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True. I did have a sticking caliper... not that long ago, but I bled them and they felt decent, but I never noticed the vibrating til I was passenger.


The parking brake assy. not fully releasing will cause a sticking caliper, too. I had to add return springs to mine, now it works perfectly.

And no, my cables were not at fault here.

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Driving is huge for me. I lost my license, and I havent been able to drive my car, just ride in it... and its really been driving me insane the things that seem to have gone wrong from being parked for awhile... but the brakes is a problem.


I would do a helluva lot better financially if I wasnt paying rent to my mom haha


You know, I still live at home and pay rent to my folks. Granted I have a job, but I would much rather pay rent to my parents than some unforgiving landlord. At least this way money stays in the family. I'm not in any rush to move out until I can afford a house, because an appartment/rental house is just destructive spending; paying for something you don't own. My parents know this, so they understand why I don't want to move out yet. We all get along easily, so there isn't any harm in me hanging around. :grin:

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You know, I still live at home and pay rent to my folks. Granted I have a job, but I would much rather pay rent to my parents than some unforgiving landlord. At least this way money stays in the family. I'm not in any rush to move out until I can afford a house, because an appartment/rental house is just destructive spending; paying for something you don't own. My parents know this, so they understand why I don't want to move out yet. We all get along easily, so there isn't any harm in me hanging around. :grin:


This is Kinda how it goes at my house. When I pay my mom rent, it goes towards my food, when I need shoes she will buy them etc... but I dont have a job yet, and when I do, the plan is to move out by October, so I best be gettin on that job situation lol:Flame:

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Not to rain on your parade, but I think you are being unrealistic. I wouldn't expect you not to be at your age though.


First - when you do get a job and move out - you will not be in a position to do lots of fancy upgrades to NED, or any other car for that matter. Bills suck, and at your education and experience level you will be at around the $12/Hr range if you luck out. Probably more like $10 - maybe less. That's $400 a week before taxes - you will be lucky to take home $325 of it. That's about $1300 a month.... with rent, utilities, cell phone, car insurance, food, and a few amenities there will be NOTHING left. Not to mention no place to work on cars....


Your best bet to live comfortably is to partner up with a roomate, girlfriend, etc. But they won't be happy if all your money goes to car upgrades that you don't *need*.


Ultimately you are going to have to find your niche where you can rise above the daily grind. I did it for 10 years and had a few decent jobs in that time - making more than you will likely start out making even today - with lower cost of living. I still had basically nothing for the majority of that time. Mostly due to financial irresponsibility but that is exactly what bi-weekly paychecks engender in most people. The concept of living paycheck to paycheck is made much easier when you only have to wait two weeks for the next one. Thus people that are payed regularly and often tend to blow all their money quickly and have nothing by the next paycheck. It's easy to survive for two weeks with no money. Much, MUCH harder when you only get payed monthly and virtually impossible if you get payed quarterly or in longer increments. Thus people that don't get regular paychecks quickly figure out how to be financially responsible - the consequences of not doing so being a LOT more severe.


And don't think that this fact isn't known by all the big corporations. They would love nothing more than for you to be a wage slave for the rest of your life. They give you a little bit each week or each couple weeks because they know you can't be trusted with a larger amount and because if they did pay monthly or longer you would soon learn how to save money and then you wouldn't be so easy to lead around with a leash. People who aren't in danger of being homeless without their next paycheck tend to not be as easily coerced against unions, and labor movements, etc. Realizing how business keeps people down like this made me stop spending and get out of the daily grind. I learned that financial responsibility is more important than car upgrades, big TV's, and cool cell phones. I did without. And now I'm being rewarded - I'm seen by my family and others as responsible - my business is doing well - and now I have all those things in abundance and I don't worry about how I'm going to pay my bills.



Edited by GeneralDisorder
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