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fuel relay on for a second then off

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I have a 97 outback wagon with around 280,000 miles on it that I am not quite done with. The fuel relay seems to turn on for a second when the key is turned on then shuts off. I can hear the relay kick in then release. Could I take the ground from the relay and run it to a ground so it will be energised any time the key is on or would this be a mistake. OR any idea whats wrong with it.

Thanks for any help.

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There is no consistant fuel supply to the filter. It runs then shuts off. Does the pump have a constant power supply to it when ever the key is in the run position. Or is there a external pressure sensor that turns the pump relay off and on as the pressure fluxuates? (sic?) . Short answer to your question: The car will barely start then die shortly after.

Thanks for any help you could offer


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Fuel pump only runs when cranking or running and for 1.5 seconds at key-on to prime the rail. What you are seeing is normal for all vehicles with electric fuel pumps.... Since the common use of then began in the late 70's.


Have you checked for codes? There has to be good cam and crank sensor inputs to the ECU or it will not fire the plugs/injectors because it doesn't know when to do so.



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Fuel pump only runs when cranking or running and for 1.5 seconds at key-on to prime the rail. What you are seeing is normal for all vehicles with electric fuel pumps.... Since the common use of then began in the late 70's.


Have you checked for codes? There has to be good cam and crank sensor inputs to the ECU or it will not fire the plugs/injectors because it doesn't know when to do so.




You could force the pump to turn on by manually grounding the return side of the pump power leads but that would defeat the pump shutdown circuit safety feature, like the others have previously stated. If you are having problems getting the engine started then like GD stated, check for codes that may provide more clues to the trouble. If you aren't seeing any codes then try spraying some starter fluid into the intake and see if that gets the engine running. If that works then you need to see what is going on with the fuel delivery system. You know the pump is working at least since it turns on initially with the key on. A blown fuse to the injectors could cause the problem.

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Plug in the green test connectors under the dash.


that will cycle the pump on and off constantly, keeping pressure in the rail.


I doubt that will solve the problem. Pump could be running the whole time you are cranking and you can't hear it. or it could be not running for some ECU issue.


I am guessing that you've got a Cam or Crank sensor problem, which could include the t-belt being off a tooth or 2.


Verify timing belt correct.


Then check wiring connections for cam and crank sensors.


if that all checks out test or swap out sensors for known goods.


If you are hearing the fuel pump run at all, the ECU can control it.......it's a matter of finding out why it isn't running it or other wise why it's not firing.

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I've never heard of a bad crank or cam sensor keeping the fuel pump from running. The fact that it primes with they key on says that the main components of the pump power circuit are working, and should continue working once the engine is started.


I believe there is another problem keeping the engine from continuing to run. This could be related to sensors or possibly a large air leak into the intake behind the MAF sensor. Incorrect belt timing is also a possibility.

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You need suck squish boom to run an engine.


We have to start there.


The pump works fine.


What is the repair history for this car. When did the problem first appear?


There are several things that can keep the car from starting, short list - crank sensor - cam sensor - engine temp sensor - maf sensor - no compression - jumped timing belt just to name a few, so lets start with basics.

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