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96 MPH is the absolute top speed of the DL.


Oh, and its all stock now. Stock stock stock! Not a single mod!


It got there....to 80.....81......82......83....well, you get the picture. Finally, 2 miles later, 95......96...and no more....and over the the next 2 miles, no faster, no slower....level ground. *sigh* Slowness. Oh well, 2k miles so far on the $100 SUBARU, and no real issues. Im glad it put up with that sustained 5000+ RPM run.

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The RX, back in the days with the delta cams, stripped interior, very high flow intake and exhuast....it burried the speedo way past 125....RPMs past 7000....


Ye ole GL-10 went 116 one time, back when it was 2wd with the 3AT. lol Never had tried a top speed since. Even on 3.1 cyliders, i have a good bit of pedal left 95.

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