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I have a 2002 Forester Automatic with some shifting issues.

I had the codes ran at Autozone and it came back with:

P0732, P0733 and P0734.

Is there a way to read codes from the TCM for better explanation of the trouble? how?

Or should I just replace the TCM?

Any thoughts or ideas would be appreciated.

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P0732 Gear 2 Incorrect Ratio

P0733 Gear 3 Incorrect Ratio

P0734 Gear 4 Incorrect Ratio


This one might take some work. I would almost recommend taking it to a dealer. A scanner that can read sensor outputs will help here, since this can be a throttle position sensor or Speed sensor issue.


This can also just be wiring or a poor connection somewhere in the harness to the ECU/TCU.

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