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Impreza Steering wheel switch out

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Trying to swap the steering wheel out on an Impreza 1996. (The steering wheel commonly used in Legacies and Imprezas around then. The one that actvates the horn by depressing the entire horn pad).


My new steering wheel is the same wheel, just in less worn condition.


Is there a process to doing this? Kinda spooked with the airbag.


Like #1 DC the battery.

#2 ??



Any advice/tips.


Just don't need it blowing up on me!



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Nothing to be worried about. Unless you purposefully try to set off the airbag, it's not going to pop.


Unhook battery is always a good place to start. Be sure the steering wheel is centered before disconnecting power though.

Look around on the back of the wheel there is a hole or two on either side at around 9 and 3 o'clock. Remove the screws you see in there, they are probably either Allen or Torx head. (don't recall exactly)

Once those are out, pull the airbag module out from the wheel. The airbag harness connector probably has a lock tab that has to slide over before the release tab can be pressed. Unhook and set that off to the side.

Then the large nut in the center of the wheel can be loosened. Some wheels will simply slip off, others you will need a puller, or some strength. If you decide to go the strength route, thread the nut back onto the steering shaft at least the width of the nut so when the wheel pops loose it doesn't frisbee or re-arrange your facial anatomy.


Steering wheel pullers are cheap to rent though.

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Yea these will be the same. Its a safety in all airbag systems. The connectors are protected too so you shouldnt hurt the air bag module. If the wheel is tight just grab it at 3 and 9 o clock and push left to right and rock it and itll come off. Not too difficult.

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