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My baby's first error code! P0107

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Edit: on my '95 impreza 2.2


So I was doing some research one this error and I know to check -- intake, exhaust, and fuel. I'm pretty sure the exhaust and the intake are in good shape, but I had a question about the fuel system.


For this code, I'm worried about the fuel pressure right?


Main reason I'm asking is because yesterday I was driving home from work at the horse track and my fuel gauge showed empty. I Looked at my trip gauge and figured I have at least 100 or so miles before I'm actually empty. Drove a bit down the road and the gauge slowly crept back up to the 1/4 ish mark where it should be. For that -- I figured I had a bad sending unit for the gauge, no big deal.


When I stopped to get my daughter, I got the CEL when I started the car. (thought I let off the key too early?)


Could these two things be related? Maybe I'm not getting enough power to the fuel pump and it's causing the sending unit to fail?? I went to checkers and looked the code up on odb2, I cleared the code, hopefully it doesn't come back...







Edited by crazyman03
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No relation. 107 is your map sensor which i cant remember if this model its part of the maf sensor or its under the intake. The fuel gauge issue you had mine had the same issue. It seems in the 90s suby shared clusters with nissan who in that era had faulty ground screws on their clusters. Remove the cluster and tighten your 3 gauge screws. I went through alot of sending units and wire tracing to learn this.

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P0107 Subaru Manifold Absolute Pressure/BARO Sensor Low Input


Check the vacuum hoses that run over to the MAP. It's on the passenger strut tower next to a little solenoid. Check the short hose between the solenoid and MAP and the longer hose from the solenoid to the intake. There may be a small white cylinder in the middle somewhere, that's a filter of some sort and Ive heard of those clogging. You can remove the filter if you think it may be clogged and it should be fine without it. But make sure the vacuum hoses are in good shape first.

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I have several. I could sell you one for a whole lot less than Checkers. These don't fail often. just grab one from a junkyard.


You might also try unplugging the sensor and make sure the pins are clean. Also check the wiring make sure it's not split/frayed/ corroded anywhere.

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I did try re-seating the connections and looked for corrosion, none really found. I work (quite literally) next door to Colorado Auto (PnP type place). Maybe I'll peek in and see what i can find.





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Ok, so I found a car in the JY that had a similar setup.. 2.2 engine, i think it was a '98ish Lego. I stole the 2 sensors that were on the strut tower on the car and matched the p/n with the one currently on my car. What are the two sensors? i know the left one is the MAP/Barometric sensor.. what is the one on the right?





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Hmm.. I'll try it too if the code comes back. I swiped both sensors from the JY in case. I couldnt find a part number on the one currently in my car to compare to the one found in the JY. I'd imagine if the bar sensor matches that the pressure switch would too? -- they at least look the similar. The one from the JY has a big cap that is on the bottom, where as mine has a hose going somewhere..




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... Remove the cluster and tighten your 3 gauge screws. I went through alot of sending units and wire tracing to learn this.



I opened the back up and found the screws and tightened. But now I have a problem. It says my tank is full when it should be at least 1/2 full - I've already driven 150 miles on the tank.


I didnt over tighten them, the "-" one didnt really want to be tight but its tight enough i guess.







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Well, CRAP!


I wasnt too worried about the fuel gauge, i could've put another gauge in and been good.


But now, I spoke too soon. I went a week with the new Baro sensor just fine and now suddenly i have a CEL. Also, my AT Temp light was flashing a minute ago.


Ideas? what the heck did I do?!?




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Ok, so i figured out what the code is: P0500 - Speed Sensor.


I think i know what happened with the fuel gauge, the "-" screw that kept spinning, I'm sure that i just spun the coil wire right off it. I attempted to solder it back on there.. still no-dice.


I managed to screw up the spedo cable too. I'm thinking the p0500 error is related to it, if there is a sensor on the spedo cable on the tranny? no load on the cable it thinks something is wrong?




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No cable. Something in the cluster is probably screwy. Speed sensor sends a signal from trans to the cluster. Second sensor in the cluster takes the original signal and converts it to a different pulse pattern then sends that signal to the ECU. If the speedometer works, the problem is between the cluster and ECU.

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Well, there is a cable... I got all greasy from it. Makes sense about there being another sensor inside the cluster to the ecu. When it wasn't working, the code started appearing.


Somehow, the cable inside the shielding; either I broke off the spinning nub on the end of it, or I pulled the slack and the cable fell inside the shield... I'll have to see tomorrow after my dr appt.


I'm thinking what happened with the fuel gauge is I was screwing one of the terminals in and I spun the coil off the little nut inside it. I took it out and it appeared that way at least. I attempted to solder it back on - no dice. I at least have to get the speedo working so I can figure fuel out/mileage by the trip meter.





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